
Louis DeJoy, Trump’s Postmaster General and a major Republican donor, has once again proven that he’s unfit for the job.

New reporting shows that DeJoy is abusing his position and enriching his business allies. This corruption is out of control — giving government contracts to companies he has dealings with, and making investment choices that directly benefit the chair of the independent agency overseeing him.

And DeJoy has the nerve to misuse his power after purposely slowing down the United States Postal Service during the 2020 election, to make it harder for folks to vote by mail during a global pandemic.

It’s time we had a new, competent leader take over the USPS who will serve American taxpayers with the respect they deserve.

If you agree, please add your name to my petition calling for DeJoy’s immediate removal from his post as Postmaster General. Let’s make it clear corruption has no place in the United States Postal Service.


Millions of Americans depend on the U.S. Postal Service to pay bills, receive medications, and connect with loved ones. We cannot let DeJoy get away with undermining the USPS for his own personal benefit.

Thank you for making your voice heard.

— Jon