Dear Comrades,

This is a full week!

Today at 7pm, Tone is asking us to join him other climate activists from around the area at City Hall in a Circle of Resilience. Bring your fully charged cell phones as you will be calling a few city officials. Tone is asking that those who can't make it take the time to email city council, asking them to take action on the climate, and asking them for one specific thing that matters to you. I, for instance, would love to see a universal home weatherization program. Everyone qualifies. All homes and apartments are weatherized as well as possible. Very simple, no forms.

On Wednesday, many people are heading down to St. Paul to join a very large line 3 protest. Help welcome Water Protectors who have walked all the way from the Mississippi headwaters, and send a message to lawmakers and the governor. If you plan to go and have space, or you want to go and need a ride, respond to this email and I will see what I can do to help arrange things.

Also on Wednesday, for those who can't make it to St. Paul, Northwoods Socialist Collective is holding a Stop Line 3 Solidarity Rally, 5:30 pm at City Hall. Here is the Facebook Link.

The final Wednesday event, from 6:30-8:30, is a campaign fundraiser for our endorsed candidate Mike Mayou. Head on over to Dunn Brothers Coffee on London road for some good conversation and coffee.

On to Thursday!  Our Racial Justice Working Group has arranged a presentation from the original Cahoots out of Eugene, Oregon. These presentations are in high demand and a space just happened to open up, so don't miss it. Email Angel Dobrow at [email protected] for a zoom link. 6 PM.

and her campaign have resumed door knock operations, and with the whole city to cover, they need a lot of help. It would be awesome if some chapter members could join me for a one day a week commitment (perhaps a Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday). Respond to this email if you are interested. It's more fun with friends.

Finally, I forget if I congratulated our endorsed candidates or not for their primary victories, but congratulations! Both Azrin and Mike placed first, which was incredible. Now for the long slog to November : ) .

In Solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary

(If you have been receiving these emails and aren't a member yet, we want you to join! Our goals are both broad and local,  and we intend to win as many as possible. Simply put--the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, green housing for all, a justice system that helps instead of harms, an end to poverty, socialists in office everywhere--these goals and more will not happen without mass participation. Use this link to join or renew.)
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