Snickers was one of the lucky ones
Help Farm Sanctuary rescue and care for cows like Snickers
Dear John,
Snickers was intended to be a breeding cow for a 4-H program. Any children she might have would be taken away and sold to students to raise, show, and then auction for meat. But Snickers couldn’t get pregnant—so her owners deemed her useless and planned to send her to slaughter. By chance, a friend witnessed her lively spirit and intervened to help Snickers find her way to Farm Sanctuary.
Every day, farm animals like Snickers lose their lives because they can’t deliver profits. Snickers was one of the lucky few because someone recognized that her life mattered. We know that all cows deserve better than perpetual exploitation and abuse.
Still, animal agriculture hides the horrible lives that these animals endure. Ad agencies love to depict “happy cows” in spacious green pastures, but the reality is nothing like those deceptive ads. Many of America’s cows are separated from their mothers at birth, caged and confined in filthy facilities, and eventually slaughtered for profit.
But happy lives await at our shelters for cows like Snickers.
John, please help Farm Sanctuary rescue, care for, and advocate on behalf of cows like Snickers by joining Farm Sanctuary with a generous tax-deductible contribution today.
Our initial plan was for Snickers to stay with us temporarily before going to her new home at another sanctuary. She was young and healthy, which made her a great fit for Farm Sanctuary’s Farm Animal Adoption Network—our program to place farm animals into loving, forever homes across the country.
First, Snickers completed a standard health quarantine at Farm Sanctuary. But she was lonely, since quarantining is an isolating experience. Cows are herd animals after all, and Snickers had lost her family and friends while she was still very young.
Once her quarantine period was over Snickers quickly bonded with another cow rescued around the same time. We couldn’t break up a budding friendship, so we agreed that Snickers would stay at Farm Sanctuary. She has since become friends with other young, robust cows and is now a vibrant member of our main cow herd.
Snickers has her happily-ever-after because of your generous support of Farm Sanctuary. While we’re thrilled, we also know that so many cows and other farm animals still need our help. More than 30 million cows are slaughtered for human consumption every year. You can help us give cows like Snickers a second chance.
Please make a generous gift to Farm Sanctuary today to ensure more farm animals find the shelter and Sanctuary they deserve.
Thank you, in advance, for your continued support.
Yours for farm animals,
Megan Watkins, Chief Executive Officer
P.S. You can also help stop the suffering of animals like Snickers by switching to a non-dairy milk alternative, like almond or oat milk. Such small steps can make a huge difference.
P.P.S. If you know of a farm animal in need, please call our Farm Sanctuary team at (607) 583-2225 ext 223. Your call could help save an animal's life! Your gift can, too. Please join today. You’ll receive a free subscription to our member magazine; opportunities to take action and speak out for farm animals; early access to book the cabin and tiny house accommodations at our New York shelter; special alerts with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals; updates on urgent rescues like this one; and more.
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225 Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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