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The Senate recently passed a budget reconciliation bill that has the potential to deliver over $100 billion to the American economy by including a path to citizenship. And now it’s up to Speaker Pelosi to bring this monumental piece of legislation home. This week, the House of Representatives will vote on the budget reconciliation bill to provide permanent protections for immigrant essential workers who have kept America working throughout this pandemic.

Together, we can pressure House Democrats to uphold their promises to immigrant essential workers by ensuring they support the passage of the budget reconciliation bill which includes a pathway to legalization. Join our digital day of action, today and all week, by sharing these messages on your Facebook and Twitter pages to demand Congress heed the will of the American people!
5M essential workers are undocumented immigrants. Despite serving as frontline workers during a global pandemic, they are in a constant state of jeopardy. We must protect immigrant essential workers just as they’ve protected us during the pandemic! #WeAreHome #FreedomTogether
To Build Back Better we have to make sure everyone is included. Citizenship for immigrant workers & families is an integral part of the budget resolution that Congress must pass now. #WeAreHome #FreedomTogether
TODAY: The House is voting on the budget resolution! Remind them that immigrants are essential & need a path to citizenship. House Democrats MUST make good on their promise. #WeAreHome #FreedomTogether

Congress must make good on their promise to protect immigrant essential workers, rebuild our economy and ensure our infrastructure remains strong now and into the future. Failure cannot be an option when the lives of 5 million people—friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family—remain in limbo!

In solidarity,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA