ALERT: Mike Pence Coming to Virginia We need your help to fight back Supporter: Donation to Fight Back Fund: Not Yet Donate to Mark's Fight Back Fund HERE |
Republicans are in serious danger of losing the Virginia General Assembly on November 5th and they know it. So now they're pulling out all the stops by bringing Vice President Pence in at the 11th hour to hold a rally.
Republicans think that Pence's visit will translate into a win for them — but we know Democrats can translate it into even stronger motivation to turn (and keep) Virginia blue!
Will you donate now to Mark Warner's Fight Back Fund to show Pence that Virginia will elect Democrats — now and in 2020?
Mark has campaigned hard for Democratic General Assembly candidates. He knows that Democrats across the commonwealth must do everything they can to support each other. But Republicans aren't backing down: Trump's already investing heavily, training volunteers, and hiring staff in Virginia with his "victory initiative." Now Pence's upcoming visit underscores the administration's determination to woo Virginia voters in 2020.
But they underestimate us: Virginians have been fighting back against the abuses of the Trump administration since the very beginning. Now, with just 18 days until the election, will you support Mark's Fight Back Fund to show Pence that Virginia Democrats are committed to making Virginia blue in November and in 2020?
Thank you,
Your friends at Warner Headquarters