Green Party of the United States

Friend --

Following the collapse of the Afghanistan government to the Taliban, the corporate media and political power structure's first priority is obscuring the U.S. track record of interference, occupation and violence against the Afghan people. The U.S. armed and empowered the Taliban, in shortsighted gambits against the Soviet Union and opium cultivation. Through multiple administrations — Republican and Democrat alike — the U.S. selected and propped up corrupt leaders during our blood-soaked occupation, following 9/11.

For our entire history, the Green Party has campaigned against this kind of immoral, criminal foreign policy. We fought to expose the profit-seeking military-industrial complex, imperialist hubris and White Supremacy (under the guise of "American exceptionalism") as its true motivators, despite any shameless claims of "humanitarian intervention," "exporting democracy," or "keeping America safe."

Donate to the Green Party today, because the Democrats and Republicans have a deadly addiction to empire. Their duopoly control of our government means more death, destruction and suffering at a time we should be uniting to stop a global climate catastrophe.

A selection from our Peace Action Committee's statement:

The Green Party of the United States, unlike the Republican and Democratic parties, has steadily opposed the militarization of U.S. foreign policy. As the Peace Action Committee of the Green Party, we call for the following measures in response to the Afghanistan debacle: 

  1. A Congressional inquiry into the U.S. military-industrial complex and its harmful control of US foreign policy.
  2. The resignation of all U.S. government officials who provided false or misleading information on the political and military situation in Afghanistan.
  3. Termination of active and clandestine warfare by U.S. forces in all foreign nations.
  4. Joining the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to hold our civil and military leaders accountable to basic standards of international criminal law. 
  5. Resumption of nuclear arms negotiations and restoration of abrogated arms control agreements.
  6. Substantial cuts in the U.S. military budget.

The "Global War on Terror" prosecuted by Bush/Cheney, Obama/Biden, Trump/Pence, and hundreds of House and Senate representatives is a national disgrace and a nightmare for countless multitudes. It makes laughter the only reasonable response when our government claims to prioritize the well-being of everyday people in other countries.

We must end the bi-partisan cycle of violence and empire. We must defeat the Parties of War and Wall Street who strangle what is possible in our society while waging overseas atrocities in our name.

Because the Green Party and our candidates refuse all corporate contributions, we have the political independence to reject the military-industrial complex. But that also means we rely on you to keep going. Please donate today.

In Solidarity,
Green Party of the United States

Green Party of the United States · PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States . This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here.


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