My name is Chris Jones. I’m a physicist, minister, HBCU alum, husband to an ER doctor, and a #GirlDad to three wonderful girls. I’m also the Democrat running for Arkansas governor and gearing up to take on the likely GOP nominee, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Will you support my campaign with a $5 contribution?
Growing up in Arkansas, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to dive into my education and even pursue extracurricular science classes, which set me on my way toward working for NASA and MIT.
As I’ve traveled throughout the state, it’s apparent that there are disparities in both rural and urban communities that have prevented other kids just like me from pursuing their own dreams. And every day, I see those disparities getting worse, not better.
I’m running for the Arkansans who are just as talented and full of potential as anyone but need a leader who will fight for them to have more opportunities.
It’s time that we invest in public education in every corner of Arkansas, strengthen infrastructure from roads to broadband access, protect and secure the right to vote, and bridge the rural and urban divide.
I have faith in Arkansas’s potential, and I’m running for Governor to ensure every person in this state has a chance to succeed. We’re relying on grassroots donations to help us take on this important fight, so I’m asking -- Will you chip in $5 to support my campaign?
Thank you for your time,
Chris Jones