Folks --
Will you split a donation of just $5 to help us beat Tim Ryan’s 5 major Republican opponents? Our mid-quarter fundraising deadline is only a few days away and we’re falling behind!
Tim’s 5 biggest Republican opponents are getting a major cash boost -- two of them already have $10 million behind them!
Ohio’s open Senate seat is one of the ten most likely to flip in 2022 -- winning here is key to breaking the 50/50 split in the Senate and expanding our Democratic majority. We can’t afford to fall behind.
While the Republicans in this race are relying on GOP billionaires and their own personal fortunes to power their campaigns, Tim’s relying on thousands of small-dollar donations from grassroots supporters like you.
So, can we count on you to chip in $5 -- that’s just $1 for each of Tim’s opponents -- to help us reach our mid-quarter goal, even the odds, and flip this battleground seat blue?
Thanks for your critical support.
— Team Ryan