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DUP News Update   -   18th October 2019
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DUP MPs will not support PM's Deal in Parliament

Arlene Foster MLA and Nigel Dodds MP comment following the deal agreed between the Prime Minister and the European Union.
DUP MPs will vote against the deal agreed between the Prime Minister and the European Union when it comes before Parliament tomorrow (Saturday).

Commenting after the deal was announced, the Party repeated our clear position that we will only ever support arrangements that are in Northern Ireland's long-term economic and constitutional interests and which protect the integrity of the Union.

"These proposals are not, in our view, beneficial to the economic well-being of Northern Ireland and they undermine the integrity of the Union. Our main route of trade on an East –West basis will be subject to rules of the European Union Customs Union, notwithstanding that Northern Ireland will remain part of the UK Customs territory.
All goods would be subject to a customs check regime regardless of their final destination.  The default position, even for goods travelling from one part of our country to another, is that they are considered under the EU Customs code unless otherwise agreed. We recognise that only those goods ultimately destined for the Republic of Ireland would be subject to tariffs but the reality remains that the EU would have a veto on which goods would be exempt and which would not under the Joint Committee arrangements.  This is not acceptable within the internal borders of the United Kingdom.
Consumers in Northern Ireland would face the prospect of increased costs, and potentially less choice due to checks being implemented in order to facilitate the European Union.  Throughout all the discussions on these issues we have been clear that Northern Ireland should not be subjected to administrative burdens which will be entrenched for the future.
On VAT Northern Ireland will again be bound into arrangements that the rest of the United Kingdom will not.  There is a real danger that over time Northern Ireland will start to diverge across VAT and Customs and without broad support from the democratic representatives of the people of Northern Ireland."

The statement continued:

"While some progress has been made in recognising the issue of consent, the elected representatives of Northern Ireland will have no say on whether Northern Ireland should enter these arrangements.
 The Government has departed from the principle that these arrangements must be subject to the consent of both unionists and nationalists in Northern Ireland.  These arrangements would be subject to a rolling review but again the principles of the Belfast Agreement on consent have been abandoned in favour of majority rule on this single issue alone.
These arrangements will become the settled position in these areas for Northern Ireland. This drives a coach and horses through the professed sanctity of the Belfast Agreement.
For all of these reasons it is our view that these arrangements would not be in Northern Ireland’s long term interests.  Saturday’s vote in Parliament on the proposals will only be the start of a long process to get any Withdrawal Agreement Bill through the House of Commons.”

Varadkar's devolution comments another unhelpful intervention

Lagan Valley MLA Paul Givan has said that comments from Leo Varadkar on the restoration of devolution undermine the three-stranded process on which political process in Northern Ireland has been built and said the Irish Prime Minister cannot pick and choose which elements of the Belfast Agreement he supports.

His response follows comments from the Irish Prime Minister that any restoration of Stormont could not be "business as usual" and also about the Petition of Concern system.

Paul Givan said, “Leo Varadkar’s commentary on a return to devolution is yet another unhelpful intervention. The restoration and functioning of the Northern Ireland Assembly is entirely a matter for the parties in Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom government. The Irish Government has no role in this area.

The Irish Prime Minister is never slow to remind everyone of his commitment to the Belfast Agreement but this interference is another example of a his cavalier attitude. Mr Varadkar cannot just pick elements from an agreement which happen to advance his particular agenda.

The three-stranded approach has been a foundation of political progress in Northern Ireland and interventions from Mr Varadkar which undermine that principle are neither welcome nor productive.

The DUP is committed to the restoration of the Assembly and to moving Northern Ireland forward. The challenge must be issued to all parties whether they will block and boycott or whether they will step forward and play a constructive role in the process.”

Support for Assembly recall

A sitting of the Assembly will take place on Monday to discuss the liberalisation of abortion in Northern Ireland as a result of the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill. The initiative was taken forward by Baroness Nuala O'Loan and the Both Lives Matter campaign. 

Supporting the recall, Party Leader Arlene Foster said, "Our Assembly team met on Monday and agreed to seek a recall of the Assembly.

Our MLAs will return to the Chamber without pre-condition. There are serious matters emanating from the NI (Executive Formation) Act which should be decisions made in Stormont.

We urge other MLAs who oppose the extreme liberalisation of our abortion law, to step outside any Party shackles and join us in recalling the Assembly.

It's time to get Northern Ireland moving again.”

Michelle O'Neill later described the sitting of the Assembly as "a circus". Responding to that, Assembly Chief Whip Gordon Lyons MLA said, "Michelle O’Neill’s arrogant dismissal of that demonstrates a disregard for devolution and for the people of Northern Ireland.

Fresh from banging bin lids on the border, for Sinn Fein to describe a meeting of elected representatives as a stunt and a circus is beyond belief.

DUP MLAs signed the recall petition and we will be there on Monday, ready and prepared to nominate Ministers to an Executive. We want to get back to work at Stormont legislating and taking decisions on issues that matter to the people of Northern Ireland. Whilst Sinn Fein have been content to allow Westminster to impose this liberalised abortion regime we believe it should be debated and decided upon here in Northern Ireland.

There is an obvious reason why Sinn Fein may be uncomfortable with Monday’s sitting. If there is no “real business” carried out it will be because Sinn Fein continue to prefer boycott over debate and decision making. The people of Northern Ireland deserve better and MLAs who want to deliver better will be in the Assembly chamber on Monday ready to get on with governing Northern Ireland on behalf of all our citizens.”


Welcome for commitment on compensation for abuse victims

East Belfast MP Gavin Robinson has welcomed the commitment by the Government to set up a redress board to compensate victims of historical institutional abuse in Northern Ireland.

The announcement was contained in the Queen’s Speech that was presented to Parliament this week.

The DUP MP said, “This announcement will be welcomed by all those who suffered so grievously and who have campaigned tirelessly on this most important of issues. It is something which should have been brought forward through the Northern Ireland Assembly, but it is one of the many ways the people of Northern Ireland have been failed by 1000 days of boycott.

Some of the victims suffered abuse 40 or 50 years ago. Some have already passed away whilst waiting for progress to be made whilst all are getting older. It is vital that the issue of compensation is progressed swiftly. They have been forced to wait too long already and no further hurdles should be placed in their path.

I am glad that the government has taken action in this area. There continue to be many other areas where the people of Northern Ireland and particularly the most vulnerable in our society are punished because of a failure to restore devolution and take decisions on the issues of importance to all our citizens.”

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  • Annual Party Conference - 25th & 26th October - Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge Belfast.

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