Dear Patriot,
This is getting away from us quickly. Last year when the Corona-crisis started
with “temporary” lockdowns and quarantines . . . then forced masking . . . followed by the government shutting down schools and small
businesses, Campaign for Liberty and I warned you about the great possibility of this progressing to a much bigger danger.
We said in the not too distant future there would be vaccine passports – the government telling you and me when and
where we were allowed to go, whether it be school, the library, the store, or to the next state over to see relatives. We said it reminded us of Soviet-era Eastern Europe: “Show us your papers!” People laughed at us. “There’s no way in this America that the government would force us to get an inoculation or a vaccine
against our will.” “This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Checkpoints along the road? You’re crazy!” Well, Patriot, people aren’t laughing anymore, because every single day this vaccine passport becomes more and more
real. While the Biden administration has denied they favor a passport, they’ve also
admitted they are working on and discussing plans to implement, one way or another. Biden seems
to have no problem creating second class citizens in our country. "If in fact you are unvaccinated, you present a problem," Biden
said. The only thing holding the White House back from another mandate on the American
people is fear of political backlash. One White House official was quoted in The Hill
newspaper as saying, "We're continuing to look into more and more ways that we can push for more vaccinations, and that's going to
include carrots and sticks." Unfortunately for you and me, sometimes for
the feds, that stick is not meant to hold the carrot on a string, but rather to beat people into submission.
Just last week, the White House announced that nursing homes will not receive medical reimbursements, i.e. Medicare and
Medicaid payments for patients, unless all staff are “fully vaccinated.” Biden and
several federal agencies have also mandated vaccinations for employees and contractors or face losing their jobs. Even the Department of Defense
said all members of the armed forces – including some of the healthiest and fittest people in our society – must be vaccinated by
mid-September or face penalties, including dishonorable discharge and losing all benefits. Their
next carrot and stick is to restrict travel for Americans either through an interstate travel ban for those who make a personal medical decision not
to get the shots or even be put on a “no fly” list as others are recommending.
That’s right, the government wants to deny you the right to travel freely when you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.
Just a few short weeks ago, U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY15) quietly introduced H.R. 4980:
“To direct the Secretary of Homeland
Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the
United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.” We must act now to put a stop to this full-on power grab that wants to beat the American people into submission! If you haven’t yet signed your “REJECT H.R. 4980
and ANY vaccination requirement in order to travel” petition, please sign now.
If you have signed this petition, please take the time to forward it
to at least five liberty-loving friends and family members, asking them to sign as well.
Remember, this isn’t about being pro-vaccination or not. It’s about your medical freedom to reject one if you don’t
feel it’s safe or appropriate! Just how close are we to having all of our rights
taken away from us? In large cities such as San Francisco and New York City, local governments
have implemented vaccine mandates if anyone wants to go to the gym or eat at a restaurant, even if the business owners don’t want that
mandate. Large public and taxpayer-supported universities, including the University of Virginia,
are telling students not to come to campus and are dis-enrolling them from classes if they don’t show their papers and proof of getting
jabbed. I hope you as alarmed as I am about how far and how fast the medical fascism
is going. And I’m hoping that you can take one more step
beyond signing the petition that is extremely critical. Will you dig deep today and donate
$250, $100, 50, $25, or whatever you can afford to fund Campaign for Liberty’s aggressive program to stop any and all travel bans on those
who opt out of the rushed and experimental COVID jabs? I don’t need to tell
you how dangerous this has become. I worry that we’re just a step or two away from the kind of sweeping tyranny we’re seeing
across the globe in places like Australia, France, and Canada. If you missed it,
Australia’s largest city, Sydney, is under the most oppressive lockdowns yet, including curfews and travel restrictions for anyone who wants to
travel more than 30 miles, with the excuse of the overblown “case count.” Also in
Australia, there is a chilling video of a father being torn away from his terrified and hysterical young daughter, all because of COVID tyranny.
In France, video footage shows people being denied entry to grocery stores to get essential food and
water. In Canada, the government has implemented vaccine passports on all flights as well as
interprovincial trains and ships. It’s been proven time and time again during this
Coronacrisis, the medical tyrants in this country will always try to follow suit with the absolute worst and most draconian policies from
around the world. That includes “Vaccine passport”
schemes which started in Europe and have now come to our biggest cities. How long before it
reaches a city near you? The statists – in this case, Big Pharma, Fauci, and Biden -- and
their cronies are making their big move. This battle to stop the technocratic dream of enslaving
society by stealing our liberty and property and demoralizing us is the biggest challenge we face in 2021.
If you haven’t yet, sign the
petition to “REJECT H.R. 4980 and ANY vaccination requirement in order to travel.”
And just as important - will you step up one more time, dig deep and help fund our campaign to end this tyranny NOW?
I urge you to
rush in a donation now. Every donation helps. I just hope it’s not too late to
turn this around before some of their horrifying plans are set in motion. I thank you for your
support on this very important battle. In Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Pundits
mocked and laughed at us last year when we warned about a vaccine passport in the United States. The reality is, it’s being slowly introduced
across the country, and the White House has acknowledged they are making plans behind the scenes.
There is no limit to what freedoms they will restrict, and the fact the White House is considering the idea of creating highway checkpoints for COVID
jabs is enough evidence for me! Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help to stop the
statists’ plans to make this year and beyond worse than 2020. Please sign your petition now, send this along to at
least five friends and family to spread the message, and make a donation of $250, $100, 50, $25, or whatever you can afford today to fund Campaign for
Liberty’s aggressive program to stop any and all travel bans on those who opt out of the jab.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help to stop a repeat of 2020. Please
consider a generous donation now. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. ________________________________________________
The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.