Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

August 22, 2021 


Through Its Misuse of Military Power, the United States Has Made a Terrible Mess in Afghanistan
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Boston Globe, 8/16/21

The time to clean up has arrived. A place to begin is by acknowledging three essential lessons that should shape basic U.S. policy going forward.


The Coming Afghan Refugee Crisis Is Only a Preview
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Foreign Policy, 8/16/21

More desperate migrants will head West in coming years—and the West’s migration policies must change in response.


Kabul Has Fallen. Now What?
By Rajan Menon, Non-Resident Fellow
The Nation, 8/16/21

With the collapse of the U.S.-backed government, Washington must chart a new course—but it won’t be easy.


Why Afghan Forces So Quickly Laid Down Their Arms
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Politico, 8/16/21

Opposing Afghan factions have long negotiated arrangements to stop fighting — something the U.S. either failed to understand or chose to ignore.


Nobody Wins in Afghanistan
By Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Foreign Policy, 8/20/21

For China and Russia, the country is a liability, not an asset.


What Pakistan Stands to Gain From the Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Time, 8/18/21

Without Pakistan’s shelter and support the Taliban might not be marching through the streets of Kabul right now.


The Truth About Losing Afghanistan
By Andrew Bacevich, President
New York Daily News, 8/18/21

To charge President Biden with “losing” Afghanistan makes no more sense than tagging President Gerald Ford with responsibility for “losing” Vietnam.


Biden Pulled Troops Out of Afghanistan. He Didn’t End the ‘Forever War.’
By Sam Moyn, Non-Resident Fellow
Washington Post, 8/17/21

Presidents since George W. Bush have fashioned a military strategy that knows no borders — and isn’t dependent on boots on the ground.


The Taliban Can—and Can’t—Be Trusted
By Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow
Foreign Policy, 8/19/21

There’s good news on international terrorism—and bad news on plenty else.


How to Make Iran Trust a New Nuclear Deal
By Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President
Foreign Policy, 8/17/21

Even if Washington can’t provide a guarantee that future administrations will maintain the deal, there are other ways to bridge the gap.


Biden Blindsided by Shocking Afghanistan Collapse

Interviewed: Andrew Bacevich, President
Tucker Carlson Tonight/Fox News, 8/16/21


U.S. Analyst Who Served in Afghanistan: ‘I'm Glad That We Are Out’

Interviewed: Joe Cirincione, Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow
The Last Word/MSNBC, 8/16/21


Biden Defends Decision to Withdraw From Afghanistan

Interviewed: Amir Handjani, Non-Resident Fellow
CNBC, 8/16/21


What Does Pres. Moon’s Liberation Day Speech Imply About the Future of the Korean Peninsula Peace Process?

Interviewed: Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
Peace and Prosperity/Arirang, 8/17/21



Afghanistan Shows ‘Limitations’ of U.S. Military, Experts Say by Ali Harb/Quoted: Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Al-Jazeera, 8/21/21

Three Major Networks Devoted a Full Five Minutes to Afghanistan in 2020 by Contributing Editor Jim Lobe, Responsible Statecraft, 8/20/21

Senators Now Investigating Biden’s Withdrawal Were Mum on ‘Afghanistan Papers’ by Managing Editor Ben Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 8/20/21

Alarms Over Afghanistan as a Future ‘Threat’ Are Irrational by Senior Analyst Steven Simon & Alan Richards, Responsible Statecraft, 8/20/21

Four Steps Biden Can Take Now to Get Evacuees Out Quickly by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Responsible Statecraft, 8/19/21

RADIO: Protests Erupt as Afghans Fight to Leave the Country, Interviewed: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Newsday/BBC, 8/19/21

PODCAST: Embracing Defeat, Interviewed: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, History As It Happens/Washington Times, 8/19/21

How Many More U.S. Lives Was War in Afghanistan Worth? by President Andrew Bacevich, Wall Street Journal, 8/18/21

The Decades of Mistakes in Afghanistan by CEO Lora Lumpe, Washington Post, 8/18/21

Special Inspector General Reports Highlights 20 Years of Failure in Afghanistan by President Andrew Bacevich, USA Today, 8/18/21

Afghanistan Only the Latest U.S. War to be Driven by Deceit and Delusion, Non-Resident Fellow Gordon Adams, The Conversation, 8/17/21

Veterans of Afghan War Express Frustration, Heartbreak Watching Taliban Seize Power by Alex Seitz-Wald/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, NBC, 8/17/21

TELEVISION: SIGAR Afghanistan Reconstruction Report, Interviewed: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, World News/BBC, 8/17/21

America’s Longest War Ends: Mistakes and Lessons Learned, Interviewed: President Andrew Bacevich, Radio Times/WHYY, 8/17/21

TELEVISION: Biden Faces Criticism for Afghanistan Withdrawal, Interviewed: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, DW News/Deutsch Welle, 8/16/21

U.S. Foreign Policy Restraint—What It Is, What It’s Not by Non-Resident Fellow Rajan Menon & President Andrew Bacevich, The National Interest, 8/16/21

What Does the Fall of Afghanistan Mean for the U.S.? Military Historian Weighs In, Interviewed: President Andrew Bacevich, Here and Now/WBUR, 8/16/21

Please check out our online magazine Responsible Statecraft for much more analysis and reporting on the crisis around Afghanistan (and beyond).
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After the Apocalypse.

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