John, the struggle to vote -- who gets to, how they can do so, and what obstacles they face to do so -- is perhaps the defining battle for the future of American democracy.
Unfortunately, it's a conflict that has now reached fever pitch. A conflict fueled by right-wing, anti-democracy forces. A conflict that calls you and I to bold action to protect EVERYONE's rights. Our generation must not fail.
Read on, and I’ll share with you an important way you can help advance our work to protect democracy. But first, let me bluntly outline the magnitude of the challenge we face.
Look no further than what is unfolding before our eyes in states like Georgia and Texas. Many of these states, once covered by the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965, are now on the verge of implementing draconian rollbacks on our right to vote.
One particularly egregious example: the shameful vote suppression bill that Texas Republicans are pushing would empower partisan poll watchers to bully citizens at the voting booth. Just imagine a pistol-toting partisan looking over your shoulder as you vote!
That's right. With frightening infringements like that, it's clear these new laws are nothing more than a brazen political power play. Yes, right out in the open, power-hungry politicians are scheming to exclude eligible voters who they don't think will support them from freely voting.
Here’s the good news, John -- Common Cause is standing up to the right-wing bullies and fighting back. As I write you, Common Cause Texas, Common Cause Georgia and our state organizations across the nation have mobilized their memberships in defense of voters.
So far, we've successfully stopped, delayed, or watered down dozens of bad voting bills -- forcing power-hungry lawmakers who want to restrict our rights to face the public’s outrage triggered by their shameful plots.
Not only does that same people-powered approach help limit the impact of laws that do pass, it lays the groundwork for a three-pronged strategy of public outreach, volunteer mobilization, and litigation to overturn these blatantly unconstitutional laws.
Let me be blunt, John -- the truth is, even with these successes, the odds are stacked against us. Why? Because ever since former President Trump's "Big Lie" about the 2020 election hit the GOP mainstream, an entire political party has doubled down on shutting voters out as its electoral strategy.
In practical terms this means we're up against literally millions of dollars in secret money funneled through front groups and fake charities. Massively funded far-right forces dead set on rigging the 2022 election, and every single election after that. Deliberately rigged against Black and brown voters -- and anyone else these partisans think doesn't belong.
Of course, we can't hope to match them dollar-for-dollar. And fortunately, we don’t have to. We have proven over and over that our strategy gets results. It's battle-tested by the record-breaking 2020 election, and decades of success before that.
But make no mistake. Our ability to once again mount this effective voter protection strategy will be especially important in the coming months.
That's why, John, I'm writing today to ask if you will join a special group of Common Cause Members who make a key investment in defending and protecting the right to vote for the 2022 elections (not to mention this year's votes in California, Virginia, and New Jersey) against any attempts to silence our voices.
You see, by making a monthly, ongoing commitment of $5, $15, or even $25, these special members -- we call them Guardians for Democracy -- enable us to plan and budget for these hard-hitting mobilizations with certainty. Being able to count on that baseline of resources assures we can make investments now that will be necessary to meet multiple challenges posed by the far right in the months ahead.
Will you become a Guardian for Democracy with your monthly contribution of $5, $15, or even $25? And, as our way welcoming and thank you for taking this special step, we’ll send you a copy of Robert Reich’s new book, “The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It”, to say thanks >>
Sorry, I can't become a sustaining member at this time, but I’d still like to make a one-time gift to help where it’s needed most.
Thousands of Common Cause members like you have found that by becoming a Guardian for Democracy, they can personally play an impactful and effective role in standing up for democracy by protecting voting rights.
Guardians for Democracy, made up entirely of special members like you is the foundation on which we have built our powerful, persistent advocacy for every voter's right to be heard in our democracy.
I hope you will accept my invitation to become a Guardian for Democracy today.
Thank you for stepping up in this moment of crisis.
Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections
and the team at Common Cause