Uniquely able to win the general election


Chip in here to kick Morgan Harper’s campaign off STRONG!

Turn on images to see the New York Times headline: Progressive Democrat Enters Ohio’s Senate Race, Challenging Tim Ryan

Watch Morgan's powerful video here.

Turn on images to see a screencap from Morgan Harper's campaign launch video

Progressive activist Morgan Harper made huge national news this week announcing her 2022 run for U.S. Senate in Ohio.

NEW YORK TIMES: Progressive Democrat Enters Ohio’s Senate Race, Challenging Tim Ryan
HUFFINGTON POST: Progressive Attorney Morgan Harper Announces Ohio Senate Run
THE HILL: Progressive activist to challenge Tim Ryan in Ohio Senate primary

PCCC proudly endorses bold progressive Morgan Harper for U.S. Senate in Ohio in 2022!

Watch Morgan Harper's powerful video here. Then, chip in to kick Morgan Harper’s campaign off with huge momentum!

-- The PCCC Team


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! PCCC is proud to endorse consumer protection attorney, anti-monopoly advocate, community organizer, and long-time PCCC ally Morgan Harper for U.S. Senate in Ohio’s open seat in 2022!

With vital issues like voting rights and economic investment at stake in 2022 Senate races, Morgan Harper is uniquely able to win the general election in a state that has trended red.

Morgan is running on a bold platform consistent with her record as a consumer advocate who fought corporations that ripped off consumers. She can bring together the coalition Democrats need to win in Ohio: Black voters, women, young voters, and independents.

Morgan will not accept any corporate PAC money so everything hinges on grassroots progressives like you enthusiastically powering her campaign.

Watch Morgan’s powerful campaign launch video. Then, can you chip in $3 or whatever you can to start Morgan Harper’s campaign off with huge momentum? Donate today!

With Republican Senator Rob Portman’s retirement, Ohio’s Senate seat is wide open.

Morgan has an inspiring personal story of growing up working class in Ohio. She is a Black woman who lived in a foster home. She was adopted and raised by an immigrant from Trinidad who was a lifelong educator and a member of the Ohio Educators Association.

Harper is a longtime ally of PCCC and is an alumnus of our national candidate training program. During the Obama administration, Morgan served at Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau where she fought to rein in predatory lenders and big bank abuse.

Excitement for Morgan's candidacy is through the roof. People donated $250,000 to her campaign in just the first 36 hours! The New York Times, NBC News, The Hill, Huffington Post, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and the Columbus Dispatch have all reported on her campaign.

A relentless red tide in recent cycles has threatened to end Ohio’s long history as a swing state and turn it permanently red. Morgan is the progressive who can turn that tide around, but Republicans will spend tens of millions of dollars to keep this Senate seat red.

Watch Morgan’s powerful campaign launch video. Then, chip in $3 or whatever you can to Morgan Harper’s campaign to build on her huge early momentum. Please donate today.

With Republican Senator Rob Portman’s retirement, Ohio’s Senate seat is wide open.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- Adam Green, PCCC co-founder


















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