She's hated by the enemies of freedom because she tells the truuth.
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WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Biden in Video, ‘You’re Not a President, You’re a Piece of Sh*t’
She's hated by the enemies of freedom because she tells the truuth.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Biden in Video, ‘You’re Not a President, You’re a Piece of Sh*t’

By: By Grabien Staff, August 21, 2021:



Biden Is LYING, We Are Going To Leave Behind Thousands Of Americans In Afghanistan
A catastrophe of unimaginable proportion.

France getting French citizens out.

Everybody but America.

— Atlas Shrugs (@atlasshrugs) August 21, 2021

Biden Is Lying. We Are Going To Leave Behind Thousands ...

WATCH: France’s Dignified Evacuation of Kabul Proves What a Disgrace Biden’s Exit Strategy Is
To our shame, to our great shame.

The usurper is unfit to lead.

France getting French citizens out.

Everybody but America.

— Atlas Shrugs (@atlasshrugs) August 21, 2021

Watch: France's Dignified ...

WATCH: Colorado School Board BANS Critical Race Theory After Black Father’s Fiery Speech
The individual versus the State.

America will be saved by – the individual.

We, the governed, refuse to be ruled. And that is what we see happening. We are a government by the people, for the people no more. We are being ruled by a ...

UNHINGED Los Angeles Times On Larry Elder “The Black Face of White Supremacist”
One of the most vile hit pieces that we have seen from the mainstream media against someone who is not named Trump. This is how you know that the Left is in panic mode. They are attacking Larry Elder viciously. That is because they know that Larry ...

Florida Gives Two School Districts 48 Hours To Comply With mask Rule Or Lose Funding
The totalitarian Democrats will seek to stop this act of freedom. But we are the United States of America and our Constitution dictates we, the people, be governed not ruled. The Democrats stole the election – we must take our country back. ...

DOJ Shuts Down Investigation Into Capitol Police Cold-Blooded Murder Of Unarmed Ashli Babbitt
Yesterday, the FBI admitted there was no coordinated attack/insurrection at the Capital in January 6th. So why was Babbitt murdered? And why is her murderer being given Democrat cover?

DOJ Shuts Down Investigation Into Capitol Police Shooting ...

THEY’RE BACK: Islamic State (ISIS) Operating At Kabul Airport, According To French intelligence
Trump wiped out ISIS. The Democrats have brought them and the Taliban, Hamas, Al Qaeda roaring back.

The dead are returning. Jihad has risen. Thanks to the Democrat party.

As an eyewitness from inside the belly of the beast, Let me tell ...

“Biden” Admin Has No Plan to Keep Cash Out of Taliban’s Hands, GOP Lawmakers Say
Jihad has risen. The Democrats have resurrected the global jihad.

US Black Hawk Helicopters Captured by Taliban as ‘Horrified’ Senators Demand DOD Audit

Biden Admin Has No Plan to Keep Cash Out of Taliban’s Hands, GOP Lawmakers Say ...

US WAR CHEST: As Taliban Parades Massive Cache Of Captured American Weapons, US Has No Idea The Scope Of The Damage
A Taliban member poses atop a US US-60 Black Hawk helicopter in Afghanistan, August 2021. (Uncredited)

Materiel the Islamic group gained huge trove, including thousands of assault rifles, thousands of armored vehicles, dozens of aircraft, ...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Submits Articles of Impeachment Against President Joe Biden
We will need several Articles of impeachment:

-Dereliction of duty in Afghanistan, -Violations of immigration law causing a national security crisis on our Southern border

-Usurping of Congressional power by ignoring the SCOTUS.

Today, ...

US General Tells British Special Forces: Stop Rescuing People in Kabul, You’re Making Us Look Bad
Our election was stolen by anti-American fanatics – Democrats. We cannot stand by while these savages destroy our moral credo, our freedoms, our goodness.

France getting French citizens out.

Everybody but America. ...

Shot, Stabbed Woman Whose Eyes Were KNIFED OUT By Taliban Says They ‘TORTURE US,’ FEED HUMAN REMAINS TO DOGS
Democrat bloodbath.

Shot, stabbed Afghan woman whose eyes were knifed out by Taliban says they 'torture us,' feed remains to dogs

By:  The Blaze, August 20, 2021:

An Afghani woman by the name of Khatera says that the Taliban will not ...

UK Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt over Afghanistan
The blow to American hegemony is unfathomable.

Looks like the UK Parliament is taking up impeachment.

Parliament holds Joe Biden in contempt over Afghanistan

MPs and peers unite to condemn ‘dishonour’ of US president’s withdrawal ...

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Free January 6th Political Prisoners NOW, Foley Square NYC
Justice For Jan 6 – Free Political Prisoners NOW! (July 25 and  June 27,2021)

The question now is whether rogue agents within the FBI and federal government orchestrated the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to frame ...

America Owned: China, Iran Move To Plunder Afghanistan Commodities With US Out
America owned again. Thanks to the Democrats.

America's chaotic retreat from Afghanistan has left U.S. taxpayers with billions of unpaid bills and is going to give China and Iran the spoils of war.

None of this would have happened if the ...

BIDEN BLOODBATH: Taliban Now Has Lists of Names, Addresses and Phone Number of Every Afghan Who Worked for USA Thanks to Abandoned US Embassy (VIDEO)
As one commenter so brilliantly opined, “The occupiers in DC are just like the Taliban. They too have names, addresses and phone numbers of all Trump supporters.”

Taliban Now Has Lists of Names, Addresses and Phone Number of Every Afghan ...

Election signs for Jewish Canadian MPs targeted with anti-Semitic graffiti in Montreal
There was a time (most especially under PM Stephen Harper) when Canada was perhaps the safest country for Jews outside of Israel. Those days are long gone. Today, anti-Semitism in Canada is through the roof. On September 20th, Canadians are once ...

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