Our records indicate that you HAVE NOT sent an email
to your Member of Congress.
you send an email right now and demand that they bring forth articles
of impeachment?
While thousands of Americans are trapped behind enemy lines in
Afghanistan, Joe Biden is retreating from D.C. and heading to his home
in Delaware for the weekend. What kind of President abandons his own
people and goes on vacation during a time of crisis?
Now is the time to take action to remove Biden from office.
here to send an email to your Member of Congress and tell them to
bring forth articles of impeachment
Let's remove Biden once and for
---------- Forwarded message
--------- From: John <[email protected]> Date:
Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 5:57 PM Subject: Where is Congress? To:
Friend <[email protected]>

It is clear as day to everyone in the world that Joe Biden
is unfit for office.
He is running America into the ground at home and he just abandoned
more than 10,000 Americans behind enemy lines in Afghanistan.
To make matters worse, our so-called "leaders" are nowhere to be
seen.?Where is Congress? Why are they on vacation? Where are the
checks and balances?
Enough is enough. Joe Biden is derelict in his
duty and it's time for Congress to get back to work and do their
here to email your Member of Congress today and tell them to bring
forth articles of impeachment immediately.
We must remove Joe Biden from the White House!
Thank you for taking action to save our nation,
Restoration PAC
