Joe Biden needs to get his priorities straight. John, In the midst of all the catastrophes he’s created, Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel. He’s been hiding on vacation, largely failing to address any of these debacles. But, the one thing Joe Biden does still seem to have time to talk about is his obsession with forcing kindergarteners to wear masks all day in school. Perhaps instead of focusing on Governor DeSantis’s leadership, Joe Biden could address some of the chaos and disorder currently unfolding under his watch like: ➡️ The atrocities in Afghanistan caused by his bungled withdraw of American troops that has left American citizens, Afghanis who have aided our military forces, and American allies to fend entirely for themselves against the Taliban; ➡️ The CRISIS at our southern border, which is the worst border crisis in the history of our country; ➡️ Rising inflation; ➡️ Skyrocketing gas prices; and those are just the toplines. Joe Biden needs to get his priorities straight. His fixating on stripping parents of their rights or attacking Governor DeSantis might be a convenient diversion from the fires he’s started and is now incapable of putting out, but as the leader of our country, he needs to start giving attention to any one of the myriad of crises he’s responsible for creating. WATCH THE GOVERNOR’S FULL RESPONSE TO JOE BIDEN ON HANNITY Team DeSantis DONATE WWW.RONDESANTIS.COM Sponsored by Friends of Ron DeSantis. Friends of Ron DeSantis | 610 S. Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33606 Unsubscribe
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