The recent surge in anti-voter laws emerging from state legislatures around the country constitutes an attack on American democracy and the freedom to vote.
Passing new federal voting rights legislation is a top priority right now. President Biden must do everything in his power to get it done.
That's why on Tuesday, August 24, 12 pm ET, we will rally and protest in front of the White House and call on President Biden to do what it takes to compel the Senate to pass voting rights legislation NOW! Our goal is to demand bold action on voting rights by the Biden-Harris administration, including urging the Senate to end the filibuster to do so.
Please note that this will be a masked protest — we ask that you bring and wear your mask at all times and practice social distancing, keeping a 6-foot distance between yourself and others, as much as is possible during the event.
Our democracy is under attack and if we don’t work to save voting rights now, the consequences could be disastrous. I hope to see you at this important event where we will stand up and say--no more excuses: voting rights now!
Thanks for all you do,
Christine Bass, For the People Act Digital Organizer
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. - The celebration of the 26th amendment continues! We are uplifting youth voices in democracy through
“My Voice, My Art, Our Cause” an artivism contest centering young creatives. Artivism bridges the creative power of art with the strategic design of activism to bring forth social transformation. The contest is open to young artivists ages 14-28 and submissions will be accepted through September 30, 2021. Contest winners will receive up to $1,500 in cash prizes and customized swag items featuring their artwork. Visit for the contest rules and submission form!