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Dear Friend,

Jimmy Carter’s presidency is starting not to look so bad after all.

Just like in the late 70s, an American President has been left looking ridiculously weak abroad. As happened a generation ago, Communist dictators have been emboldened.

At home, energy costs and inflation are rising. A sense of division hangs over America.

Watch what our own Aaron Rice had to say about the situation in Afghanistan here and read his latest op-ed in the Clarion Ledger

America was able to recover in the early 1980s. The Communists were confronted. The economy recovered, and the American Republic renewed.

But that did not happen by accident. It happened because Ronald Reagan and others recognized the problem – and then provided America with the right policies and leadership.

At the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, we are committed to putting America back on the right track. We believe that free markets, limited government, and individual liberty are the engine of America’s success. 

America can and will recover from these setbacks. But it will only happen because we stay true to America’s Founding Ideals. 
Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
Aaron Rice discusses his thoughts as a Veteran on the Biden-Harris Admin's failures in leaving Afghanistan and to remind other Veterans that may be having a hard time right now to reach out to their battle buddies.
On this week's Free Mississippi, Douglas talks with Zuby, a British rapper and Oxford graduate, about his impressions of America and why it is still the freest country on earth. 
The City of Jackson took over a year to provide public records to a local news station, resulting with the largest public records fine in state history. 
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