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Weekend Edition, August 21-22, 2021

Despair in the Empire of Graveyards

Fred Reed

All Doctors Know…

Bionic Mosquito

7 Lies About Afghanistan

Thierry Meyssan

The Return of Negative Yields… And What Comes Next

David Stockman

The System Is Rigged For Endless War: Notes From the Edge Of tthe Narrative Matrix

Caitlin Johnstone

NYT Admits Plastic Covid Barriers Provide False Service Sense of Security, Could Make Things Worse

Tyler Durden

Memo to the Vaccinated: Get Off Our Backs!

George F. Smith

The Fall of an American Empire

Philip Cunliffe

Get Ready for a Nationwide Eldercare Shortage as Biden Forces Mandatory Vaccines For Any Worker Paid by Medicare and Medicaid Money


Why Are We Being Deceived About Covid?

Paul Craig Roberts

Fauci Warns Americans May Face Having indefinite Booster Shots

Adam Schrader

Just One More Shot, Please

Carmel Richardson


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