The counter revolution begins. Join us and fight the illegitimate coup.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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LOOK OUT! President Trump’s Saturday Rally to Be Biggest of 2021
Watch President Trump from Alabama on Saturday. President Trump's rallies keep us going in this incredibly bleak time. The link to the rally is below. #Trump2024!

The counter revolution begins. Join us and fight the illegitimate coup. ...

We Are In The Midst Of A Revolution And Probably Most Don’t Even Know It
VDH at his best. Bam.

Are We in a Revolution and Don’t Even Know It? We are in the midst of a revolutionary epoch and probably most don’t even know it. By Victor Davis Hanson

Institutions are being absorbed not just by the woke apparat, ...

WATCH: California Rigging the Governor Election Against Larry Elder and Those Who Voted for Recall
Is anyone surprised? We do not have fair and honest elections and without that, we don't have a country.

. @GavinNewsom needs to be asked if his team did this on purpose. This is cheating.

— Richard Grenell ...

Biden’s State Dept KILLED a Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover
They knew. They killed crisis response. Democrats wanted this bloodbath?

Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted a Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover.

Joe Biden’s ...

DeSantis Shreds Biden: America’s Enemies Know He’s Weak, Focuses On Kindergarteners While World Burns
The Biden Administration knows that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris will get wrecked by Governor Ron DeSantis in 2024. So they are going to spend the next 3 years attacking the great governor for his pro-freedom policies that have made Florida the envy ...

BIDEN BLOODBATH: Taliban Going ‘House To House’ in Afghanistan ‘HANGING PEOPLE’ Who Worked With U.S.A.
Mass murder orchestrated by the Democrat party.

ISLAMIC SUPREMACISM: Taliban Going Door To Door Hunting Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report
“Biden” Admin Was WARNED IN JULY of Imminent Kabul Collapse By State ...

ISLAMIC SLAUGHTER : Taliban Going Door To Door Hunting Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report
It's all about Islam. The sharia-compliant media will NEVER report it – but that's the root cause of it all.

Taliban Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through Phones For Bible Apps: Report

By: Jon Brown, Daily Wire, August ...

Report Confirms 2020 Fraud, Abuses and RNC Deploys ‘Year-Round’ Election Integrity Unit
Forensic audits must be conducted in the battleground states. states. And while we must have election integrity going for if we are to survive, we must address the greatest political theft in human history – the US Presidential election 2020. ...

“Biden” Admin Was WARNED IN JULY of Imminent Kabul Collapse By State Department
They knew and chose mass death.

July memo shows that administration officials were cautioned about Taliban’s quick advance

Internal State Department Cable Warned of Kabul Collapse

July memo shows that administration officials were ...

BIDEN BLOODBATH: Americans Were ‘Beaten Throughout The Night’ In Afghanistan By Taliban, Reporter Says
Biden and the democrats have American blood on their hands.

While the UK, France and Germany are bravely going in and bringing their people home.

Some Americans Were ‘Beaten Throughout The Night’ In Afghanistan By Taliban, ...

FBI Finally Admits there Is “Scant Evidence” US Capitol Attack Was Coordinated –The “Organized Plot” Talking Point Was a MASSIVE LIE!
We are under attack by a hijacked government stolen in the 2020 election.

Reuters reports that the FBI says there is scant evidence that Trump supporters were involved in plotting attack on U.S. Capitol. If that's true, RELEASE THE POLITICAL ...

UK, France, Germany Getting Thousands of Their People Out As Thousands of Americans Remain Stranded In Terror
Every other Western country is bravely going in to save their people. Not America. Not 'leave no man behind' America.

I am vomiting.

UK getting 1,000 out a day from Afghanistan, interior minister says

Britain has managed to remove ...

EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: Peoples Medical Freedom Rally at NYC City Hall
August 9, 2021. Noon. Outside NY City Hall. The protest started with a HUGE mural of Mayor de Blasio in a Che t-shirt, holding a bloody head of a decapitated Statue of Liberty.

Hundreds were there to protest a vaccine mandate for entering ...

‘Biden’ Admin Is Charging Americans Up to $2,000+ For Flights Home From Afghanistan (If They Can Get To the Airport Alive)
Prioritizing Afghan refugees while leaving our people behind behind.

The same government that is paying to fly illegal aliens into America is forcing US citizens to pay for their own rescue flights from Afghanistan back into their own country. ...

President Trump Says Pfizer’s Booster Shot Is A “Money Making Operation”
Only Trump says the unsayable.

President Trump Says Pfizer’s Booster Shot Is A “Money Making Operation”

By: T. Anthony, WLT, August 20, 2021:

President Trump had a phone interview with Maria Bartiromo and what he had to say about ...

U.S. Women’s Soccer Player Accuses Megan Rapinoe of Bullying Team into Kneeling During Anthem
Not surprising. It's how they roll. Bullying and violence.

Former U.S. Women’s Soccer Player Accuses Megan Rapinoe of Bullying Team into Kneeling During Anthem

Former U.S. Women’s Soccer Player Accuses Megan Rapinoe of Bullying Team ...

Visibly Jewish Rabbi’s Son Shot Dead As Gunmen Open Fire at Denver Yeshiva
No media coverage. No outrage. Nothing But if a Muslim student was shot outside a madrassa, they'd be rounding us up.

Sources told the Cleveland Jewish News the man’s name is Shmuli Silverberg z”l, a son of Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai ...

Report: Russia, Saudi Arabia Snub Biden; Refuse To Increase Oil Production
Another humiliation for America under the Biden Administration. President Trump made us energy independent. The Biden Administration came into office and reversed all of President Trump's pro-energy policies. In addition to destroying thousands of ...

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