The Texas Republican House Speaker signed civil arrest warrants for the 52 House Democrats who fled the state 39 days ago, denying the Republican-controlled legislature the necessary quorum to pass restrictive voting legislation.

Now, they have the two-thirds of members needed to resume the session and hold a hearing on Saturday on their voting bill that would overhaul Texas elections.

The GOP-controlled legislature will prohibit 24-hour polling sites, ban drive-through voting, and give partisan poll watchers access for voter intimidation.

More Republican-led state legislatures across the country will follow suit with far reaching voter suppression bills. We must take federal action and pass the For the People Act as the first order of business when the U.S. Senate returns to session in September.

Please sign your name to support making the For the People Act the first order of business when the Senate reconvenes >>

Passing nationwide voting rights legislation is critical to protect our democracy and ensure every American fair access to the ballot box.

With Texas Republicans back on track to pass their voter suppression bill by early September, we need all hands on deck to call upon all Senate Democrats to do everything in their power to pass the For the People Act.

Sign your name next to Chris’s to call on the Senate to end the filibuster and pass the For the People Act to protect the right to vote >>

Thanks for using your voice in this fight,

Team Van Hollen