The Conflicts of Interest in Congress That Makes a Bad Deal for America
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The Latest Take from Citizens for Tax Justice

Self-Deal or No Deal: The Conflicts of Interest in Congress That Makes a Bad Deal for America


When ProPublica released its latest bombshell on the ultra-wealthy’s influence on the 2017 Trump tax cuts, it evoked a familiar response — stunning, but not surprising. The granular detail provided in the report is remarkable. The fact that wealthy Wisconsin families that contributed to Senate campaigns for Ron Johnson benefitted greatly from provisions the senator championed should surprise no one.

Also unsurprising is the common refrain from the beneficiaries of these tax giveaways: they’re just following the tax laws as written. What companies like Enterprise Products Partners — who trotted out the line in response to ProPublica’s latest — always fail to mention is the hand they have in writing these laws... Continue reading...


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