This morning, I was elected president of the AFL-CIO. I’ll be joined by Fred Redmond and Tefere Gebre. I’m ready to fight for working people—and I know you are, too.
Congratulations to the new leadership team of the AFL-CIO. Liz Shuler, President. Fred Redmond, Secretary-Treasurer. Tefere Gebre, Executive Vice President. AFL-CIO. Click here to read more about the team.

Hi John,


In 2009, I was elected secretary-treasurer. Now, I’m honored to be the first woman to serve as president of the AFL-CIO.


I’ll be joined by Fred Redmond (USW), our newly elected secretary-treasurer. Fred is a longtime labor and civil rights leader, and I can’t think of a better person to join our leadership team.


Tefere Gebre (UFCW) will be continuing in his role as executive vice president. He’s been an incredible leader since 2013, and I know he’ll continue to do his best for working people.


Together, we’re ready to lead our federation forward into a new chapter.


This is a moment for us to lead societal transformations. To bring women and people of color from the margins to the center—at work, in our unions and in our economy. We’ll incubate new ideas that will unleash unprecedented union growth.


Thank you for leading the way, Rich. We will continue the fight and move this labor movement forward together.


In Solidarity,


Liz Shuler

President, AFL-CIO 


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