Resources, advocacy and donation opportunities to help vulnerable Afghans. Email not displaying correctly?
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Not More, Not Less, We Want Equality

Do not idolize me on high pedestals And do not chain my luscious hair. 
Do not imprison me in cages and make my life bitter
And do not place sweets at the corner of the cage. 
-Negin Badakhsh (Afghan poet)

As we watch events unfold in Afghanistan and look for ways to help the women, girls and other vulnerable people whose lives and futures are in such grave jeopardy, we want to share the powerful words of Negin Badakhsh, who so eloquently gives voice to the dreams and desires of many Afghans. And we want to share some tangible ways to take meaningful action to support women, girls and those most at risk in Afghanistan. Visit our website for more ways to help.

The following are ways you can help support women, girls and other vulnerable Afghans. 


The U.S. Government has the power and means to support and protect the Afghans at greatest risk. The Coalition to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Globally is calling on the Biden Administration to take the following immediate actions:

  1. Prioritize the urgent evacuation of women’s rights defenders
  2. Support and fund the work of Afghan women human rights defenders and peacebuilders
  3. Ensure GBV prevention and response is integrated into humanitarian response plans
  4. Help secure shelters serving survivors of domestic violence, rape and other forms of GBV
  5. Hold the Taliban publicly accountable for violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses
  6. Ensure paths to seeking asylum are fully open to Afghan citizens and that durable solutions based on the wishes and needs of Afghan refugees are prioritized
WHAT YOU CAN DO: We invite you to join us in amplifying this urgent call to the Biden Administration. Please retweet the letter here and tag @WhiteHouseGPC @POTUS @VP

 The Washington Post also published a powerful call to action by Melanne Verveer and Tanya Henderson that can be retweeted  here. It demands that the U.S. Government:

  1. Charter direct evacuation flights
  2. Direct a significant portion of the $1.125 billion appropriated for Afghan refugees in the Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act passed on July 30th to ensure the P2 program is strongly implemented and functional
  3. Establish a special parole program for at-risk Afghan women human rights defenders
  4. Immediately establish a high-level Interagency Refugee Coordinator 


Donating to on-the-ground organizations is essential during humanitarian crises. Please consider donating to any of the below causes:

  1. Stephanie Sinclair, photojournalist and founder of the nonprofit Too Young To Wed (TYTW) is working to arrange the safe evacuation of 31 high-risk female Afghan journalists, activists, and their families, taking care to keep them together as much as possible during the arduous asylum application process. Too Young to Wed is supporting an infant, a toddler, schoolgirls, translators, television reporters, humanitarian aid workers, and an author who has written several books on Taliban rule and its repercussions for women’s rights.
  2. Vetted organizations that support journalists under threat. 100% of donations go to: shelters and safehouses where journalists can take cover; food, clothes, blankets, and other items for journalists and their families; ongoing support to keep as many independent media outlets open as possible
    1. ​​​​​International Women’s Media Association - Support women journalists who are in Afghanistan and/or attempting to flee. (
    2. Urgent Action Fund - Support brave, resilient human rights defenders on the frontlines before, during, and after crises (
    3. ​​​​Rukhshana Media - Follow (Twitter @RukhshanaMedia) a journalist group staffed by Afghan women who produce news from the perspective of women. Rukshana Media is named after the woman who was stoned to death by the Taliban in 2015
  3. Refugee Organization​​​​s
    1. UNHRC (The UN Refugee Agency)​​​​​
    2. Choose Love, Buy essential kits and bundles for refugees.​​​​​
    3. Women for Refugee Women​​​​​​
    4. Women for Women InternationalEmergency Relief for Afghanistan women (provide women with critical hygiene kits)

If you are unable to donate, there are other ways to amplify Afghan voices and support the women and girls on the frontlines: 

  1. Vital Voices is ramping up efforts to support Afghan women through its Voices Against Violence Initiative and Urgent Assistance Fund to get immediate support to women activists in Afghanistan on the frontlines of change and to ensure that survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices have better access to services, protection and the justice they deserve.
  2. Women’s Regional Network protects the lives of Afghan women and their families through humanitarian assistance to Afghan women and their children as they seek to leave the country, and security while they are in Afghanistan.
  3. Help support resettlement efforts (VA, DC, Seattle, Houston, Fort Worth) – airport pickups, apartment setups, and basic needs for Afghans  – 

We thank Feed our Democracy for providing some of the recommended resources listed above. And thank you for doing all you can to help those at risk in Afghanistan. I know you agree that there’s no time to waste. 

In solidarity,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

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