Hi Friend,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House will vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill (aka the liberal wish list bill) simultaneously on Monday. 

While most Americans consider infrastructure to be things like roads, bridges, and airports, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are attempting to recategorize non-infrastructure initiatives, such as free college and the Green New Deal, as infrastructure items.

What do you think? Take this 1-question infrastructure poll.

Most Americans support spending on infrastructure if it’s for just that: infrastructure. 

But the majority of the projects shoved into these “infrastructure” packages are far-left policy priorities, such as extreme climate change policy proposals and expanded social welfare programs. 

The Democrats even included a provision that addresses the meaning of Gender Identity and $125 million toward exploring the possibility of a federal vehicle miles traveled tax (VMT).

Democrats and special interest lobbies are trying to ram through unpopular policy proposals through a popular vehicle (infrastructure), which is, at best, incredibly misleading to the American people.

… Not to mention there are potential taxes and mountains of wasteful spending hidden in the packages.

Share your thoughts on infrastructure funding by taking this quick poll.


Carrie Lukas

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