News from Chrissy

Dear John, 

Finding the words to begin this e-newsletter update was not easy - there is so much happening in our community and in communities around the world at this very moment. Let me begin by saying we are only as strong as our willingness to work with one another for the common good. This comprehensive update covers what is weighing on all of our hearts and minds (evolving circumstances with Covid, Afghanistan, and more), but it also highlights the positive efforts happening at the local level. I hope you have a few minutes to read what's happening behind the headlines here in Chester and Berks counties.

As our Representative down in Washington, I'm grateful to hear from so many of you about the issues that impact you most. I mean that. Our work is made better by your input and participation, so I encourage you all to continue reaching out to us to share your stories. I remain steadfast in my belief in the strength of our community, our Commonwealth, and our country. It is the honor of my lifetime to do this work on behalf of the people of PA-06.

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Recent Events — Including last week's Delta Variant Telephone Town Hall and American Families Plan Town Hall.

Chrissy in the Community 
Including recognizing the oldest living China-Burma-India WWII Theatre veteran, celebrating the groundbreaking of the new Kennett Library, joining area Congresspeople to discuss the importance of the Delaware River Basin Commission, visiting local manufacturers, and more.

What We're Working On — Including pushing the Administration to expedite the relocation of our Afghan allies and working to pass the John Lewis Voting Advancement Act.

Delivering for Our Community: Constituent Services
 —  Including our efforts to improve IRS services and testimony from Adriana in Exton whom we helped with her filing error.

 .  .  .

Recent Events

Joined Experts for our Delta Variant Telephone Town Hall

Given the high turnout of last week's telephone town hall, it's clear our community is concerned about the Delta variant and what it means for our families. The good news is that we have vaccines that work! Some of you asked our special guest, Dr. Benjamin Abella, for specific studies related to mitigation efforts. Here's what he sent over:

Study Supporting Vaccination Even After COVID-19 Infection

Study Explaining the Science Behind Cloth Masks and Masking in General

More importantly, the Biden Administration just announced their COVID vaccine booster plan for fully vaccinated Americans. It’s simple – get your booster shot 8 months after your second shot. Representing one of the most vaccinated communities in the country, I will continue working with federal, state, and local partners to ensure we have access to what we need to keep our families safe.

If you are eligible to receive the COVID vaccine, please do so for yourself and for those around you. And remember, the booster is not a substitute for the vaccine itself. We will once again come together to ensure everyone who wants a vaccine is able to receive it. 

Hosted Local Families During American Families Plan Town Hall

When I was a young mother in the Air Force, I struggled to afford childcare. And while my efforts in Congress have expanded access to affordable childcare and paid parental leave, we still see families struggling to make ends meet. The good news is we are not alone in this fight.

Last week, representatives from, Chester County Intermediate Unit, and YMCA of Greater Brandywine joined our American Families Plan Town Hall. I was grateful to hear their perspectives and learn more about the important work they are doing on behalf of our families and I remain steadfast in my support for our childcare industry and early learning programs. These family-focused initiatives will improve the economy for all Pennsylvanians.

Chrissy in the Community

Honoring a Local Hero With Gift from the White House

Last week, I joined local law enforcement and fellow veterans to celebrate the oldest living China-Burma-India Theatre of WWII veteran in the country, Alfred ‘Al’ Miller. He just so happens to live in West Chester!

It’s always a profound honor and privilege to recognize our local heroes, but Al Miller is more than that. He represents an oft-forgotten theatre of WWII, one that was pivotal to the Allied war effort. As the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, I know I wouldn’t be alive today were it not for veterans like Al who answered the call to serve when our nation and world needed him most. To express our community's gratitude, I presented him with a congressional commendation and an American flag pin from President Biden.

Right off E. Gay Street in West Chester, the American Legion is a living musuem of pictures, momentos, and more from area veterans. Check it out when you have the chance.

Celebrating the Groundbreaking of New Kennett Library

It was great to see so many familiar faces at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Kennett Library last week. As many in attendance noted, we all have a story connecting us to a library. For me, my mom was a librarian! I join our entire community in celebrating the decades long journey until this point and everyone who made it possible. This will be an invaluable resource for residents of all ages and backgrounds, and I hope to see you all again for the grand opening!

If you haven't checked out the project yet, watch a short video here:

Hopping Aboard the Kalmar Nyckel to Discuss Delaware River Basin

Our beloved natural spaces like French Creek and Marsh Creek State Parks are part of the Delaware River Basin. So it's no secret the health of our ecosystem impacts the environmental and economic sustainability of our entire region. Last week, I hopped aboard the Kalmar Nyckel to hear from and celebrate the work of the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC).

Joined by Senator Tom Carper, Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester, the Audobon Society, and others, we discussed the importance of clean water and water systems. Protecting and preserving our waterways is vital to our economy and infrastructure, so I was appreciative to have had the chance to chat with Senator Carper about the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill he led through the Senate. This legislation will bolster these vital efforts, and I look forward to seeing it "sail" across the finish line.

Highlighting Manufacturing Jobs in Exton

Started in a garage in SEPA, United Safety & Survivability Corporation has evolved into a truly expansive manufacturing business right here in Exton. Recently, I toured their facility and saw their products up close, including seats that will keep everyone from kids in school buses to soldiers in combat zones protected.

This tour also came just hours before the historic, bipartisan infrastructure package I mentioned above made it over its first hurdle in Congress. They expressed a view I've heard over and over from businesses in our community - we will all benefit from transformative investments in infrastructure. Let's get it done!

What We're Working On

Pushing the Administration to Expedite Relocation of Afghan Allies 

The images and news reports coming from Afghanistan have certainly shaken me, and so many of you have called to say the same. Some of you have also asked for our help getting Afghans out. Right now, we are in contact with Marine veterans trying to safeguard their Afghan interpreters, community members with family in Afghanistan, and others. Thank you for caring and for giving us the opportunity to help. We are relaying all of this information to the State Department. 

What’s clear is we need to be doing more to safeguard those fleeing from Taliban rule, especially women and girls. In Congress, I am working with my colleagues to push the Administration to take immediate steps to expedite the relocation of our Afghan allies. As a member of the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees, it is not only my job to conduct oversight on these ongoing military and humanitarian missions, but it is also a moral imperative. We’ve invited Secretaries Austin and Blinken to testify before us, and I am committed to being part of those tough conversations – we need accountability for how we got here.   

Working to Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

This week, I also signed on as an original cosponsor to the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Let there be no doubt about where I stand – the right to vote is the most consequential and fundamental right we are afforded as American citizens. Anyone who attempts to suppress voters cloaked in the disingenuous guise of election integrity must be met with swift, bipartisan condemnation. I recently joined President Biden in Philadelphia to discuss the importance of voting rights - it's reassuring to know he is our partner in this fight.

This bill ensures equal access to the ballot box, especially for Black and minority voters who have been historically discriminated against. It was the honor of my lifetime to serve in Congress alongside John Lewis. While he may no longer grace our halls with 'Good Trouble', we are here to carry his legacy, our legacy, forward.

What We're Working On

Improving IRS Casework Processes and Helping Constituents
Since taking office in 2019, our office has received hundreds of messages from our community about filing issues with the IRS. In turn, we have been in contact with the Administration to improve processes, bringing efficiency and transparency to our constituents. Our efforts are already helping, and we were so glad Adriana from Exton was able to resolve her filing error after contacting our office. 

If you are having an issue with a federal agency, fill out our form and our team will contact you! We also invite you to read more success stories here. Remember, our website is always a resource for you and your family.
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As you know, news is changing every day. If you'd like to see updates more often, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram where we post daily.

We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. As always, we invite you to call one of our offices or message us through our contact form. Feel free to pass this update along to friends of our community so they can keep in touch too.


1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

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