an update from stOP tHE TRAFFIK

August 2021

Dear Friend of STOP THE TRAFFIK,

We’ve had to step up and expand our work over the last year in response to the pandemic and its consequences. We couldn’t have done any of this without your generous support, so we want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who keeps in contact with us and the work that we do.  

We know that COVID-19 has exacerbated vulnerabilities to exploitation in the UK and all across the world.

Be it through an increase in insecurities such as food provision, employment or housing; or an increased difficulty in accessing vital services, wherever people are driven into situations of insecurity and vulnerability, the potential for exploitation is heightened. While data on this spike in exploitation is emerging, it is likely the pandemic has led to an increased vulnerability to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

The team has been working hard to scale its work and diversify its preventative efforts. We are delighted to share our latest updates with you in the August 2021 edition of our Newsletter.

Together, we will STOP THE TRAFFIK.


Ruth Dearnley

Ruth Dearnley OBE

Aman safety campaign update

We have been running a human trafficking prevention campaign with Syrian asylum seekers and refugees as they flee conflict in the Middle East. We are expecting the current events unfolding in Afghanistan to have an impact on our work, and push many more people into vulnerable situations as they seek safety and refuge.

Displaced people are a group at high-risk of exploitation, and our project seeks to change that. The project has been running for a year now, and with more campaigns to go we’re starting to see a positive changes as we collect data and intelligence on the campaign and from the people we are reaching with our message. Find out more about our Aman Safety Campaign through the button below.


We’re running a campaign funded by The TRIBE Freedom Foundation and so far we've reached over 730,000 caregivers. The campaign is looking to raise awareness around child exploitation in the UK and to measure gaps in knowledge and perception when it comes to caregivers, young people, and support providers. We are hoping that this campaign will feed into national efforts to identify and prevent child exploitation by deepening knowledge around how child exploitation works and how it is understood. We will be sharing more information about the project as it unfolds and develops. You can find out more about the campaign here. To watch the campaign video and complete our survey, click on the button below.

SME Toolkit – over 1500 downloads! 

We worked with Shiva Foundation to create a toolkit that helps small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) mitigate their risk of unwittingly participating in exploitation. We released this for free and made it available to the public, and it has just passed 1500 downloads. You can find out more about the toolkit, and download a version if it is useful for you by clicking on the button below.

we're supporting businesses to lead the way...

A large part of our work revolves around working with organisations to help them reduce the risk of human trafficking and modern slavery from being present in their operations. We do this by working closely with them to identify areas of risk in their supply chains, and to create internal processes and practices centred around ensuring the welfare of all people with whom these organisations are in contact. In the last year we started to work in this way with Costa Coffee, developing a comprehensive modern slavery statement. You can read it by clicking on the button below.

will you take the 13 for 13 challenge?

We have just launched our summer fundraiser: The STOP THE TRAFFIK 13 for 13 Challenge! In 2020, the Home Office revealed that there were 4,946 child referrals to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM).* This means that over 13 children a day are identified as victims of human trafficking or modern slavery in the UK every day.  

We want to stop this – and we need your help. This summer, we’re challenging you to take part in The STOP THE TRAFFIK 13 for 13 Challenge. The premise is simple: support us with a donation or a fundraiser around the number 13. You could donate £13, run 13 miles or complete 13 minutes of push ups. Bake 13 cakes or host a meal for 13 people. Get your friends and family to pledge to support your challenge, or to donate along with you. Whatever you do, make it your own!

Find out more and create your own fundraiser to support the cause by clicking on the button below.

we're on tiktok!

Expanding our reach across digital platforms helps us to spread our message to new audiences who might not know about human trafficking and modern slavery or how to prevent it. That's why we've set ourselves up on TikTok, so that we can find new ways to talk about exploitation and how we can tackle it together. 

Are you on TikTok? Follow us today!

Help support us and the work we do by donating to our fundraiser The 13 for 13 Challange!


The Stop App

The first of its kind in combining; community empowerment, big data management and anti-trafficking expertise to disrupt, combat and prevent the global issues of human trafficking, modern slavery and exploitation.


Built by Mike Hewett