Texas Values Publishes Document About Your Rights in Texas on Masks and Covid Vaccine Mandates 

We know it can be confusing to figure out how to respond to the ever-changing mask and vaccine mandates in Texas.  We’re here to help.  Texas Values has put together a document to help make it easier to know your rights. 

Many people have contacted Texas Values because they want to understand what their rights are in Texas regarding the mask and the COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The short answer is, both Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton have recently issued documents that confirm Texans’ right not to wear a mask or be forced to get a COVID-19 shot in Texas.  Further, on August 15, 2021, the Texas Supreme Court ruled in favor of upholding Gov. Abbott’s order prohibiting mask mandates.  Your city or town may try to make their own rules, but please keep in mind that local orders don’t and can’t overrule state executive orders. State executive orders have the “force and effect of law” and therefore they supersede inconsistent rules and regulations at the local level.



Texas DFPS to Gov. Abbott: Genital Mutilation Through Reassignment Surgery Constitutes Child Abuse

In a Houston Chronicle article this week, abortion groups admit, in their own words, that the Texas Heartbeat Law we worked so hard to pass this year, must be followed. “Some clinics in the state are preparing not only to abide by the new guidelines but to go beyond them, shuttering their abortion offerings entirely.”



5th Circuit Upholds Dismemberment Abortion Ban Law to Protect Life

In a victory for the unborn Wednesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a 2017 dismemberment abortion ban law passed by the Texas Legislature.

Jonathan Saenz, President and Attorney for Texas Values said:

“Texans celebrate this long-overdue victory. The horrors of dismemberment abortions are obvious to everyone. No person, especially an innocent child, should be ripped or torn while fully alive and capable of experiencing pain. If this case is appealed, we are confident that the Supreme Court will agree.”

This law, which prohibits the cruel dilation and evacuation procedure used by abortionist doctors, was initially blocked by a three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit. It was later granted a hearing by the full court where a majority of appellate judges sided with the State of Texas. Texas Values was a leading supporter of the 2017 law when it was introduced and then passed by the Texas Legislature.


Texas Values Team Publishes Analysis of TX Heartbeat Act in the Journal of Bioethics in Law & Culture Quarterly

Last week, Arina Grossu, Policy and Communications Advisor to Texas Values and Jonathan Saenz, president of Texas Values have published an analysis of the Texas Heartbeat Act (the Act) in the Journal of Bioethics in Law & Culture Quarterly.  If you want to do a deep-dive into the reasons why to have a heartbeat law, an overview of Texas abortions, provisions of the Act, states with heartbeat laws, the constitutionality of the Act, heartbeat as the new viability standard, the state’s interest, and why a civil enforcement mechanism is an effective strategy, click below. 



Early Bird Tickets Prices End September 1st!

At the 2021 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Forum you will hear from leaders from across the state and nation as they discuss family values in public policy – including life, marriage, religious freedom, and human sexuality.

You will also be educated by the leading experts in family policy in the legislature, courts, and media while being inspired by Texans just like you who are advancing pro-family values in the culture. More exciting speakers and news will be announced soon!



Mark Your Calendars!

Houston on Saturday, November 6th

We are excited to announce that our 2021 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Gala will be in Houston on November 6th at The Westin Houston, Memorial City. Past Gala speakers have included Matthew West, Dennis Prager, U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Todd Starnes, Kevin Sorbo, Benham Brothers, and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz.  

Speakers for our 2021 Gala and ticket/table sponsorship information will be announced soon! 

Please make plans to join us - you will not want to miss our marquee event of the year!

Last Week on Texas Values Report

Sue Liebel, State Policy Director for SBA List Joins Host Jonathan Saenz 

Last week, Sue Liebel, State Policy Director for Susan B. Anthony List joined host Jonathan Saenz to give a pro-life update. Listen here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.



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900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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