The U.S. Senate adjourned for a month-long recess and senators returned to their home states without outlawing gerrymandering or fixing our broken political system.
Our job for the next 4 weeks is to make sure senators know that their constituents demand they pass the For the People Act as soon as they return from recess on September 13th.
The most effective way to do that is to hold a one-on-one constituent meeting with your senators or their staff while they’re on recess. Join RepresentUs on Wednesday, August 25th at 7pm to find out how you can schedule a meeting with your senator to push them to pass the For the People Act.

When: Wednesday, August 25th at 7pm ET Where: Right from your computer. RSVP here to receive a Zoom link for the call. What: A RepresentUs call to talk through how you can schedule a meeting with your senator. We’ll talk through the ins and outs of hosting a meeting, the talking points you should cover, and go over some tips to make your meeting as impactful as possible.
When senators return to Washington in September, they’re going to have a tiny window to pass the For the People Act before some states finish gerrymandering their voting maps. The next 4 weeks are a battle for lawmakers’ hearts and minds. This is our chance to meet with elected officials and their staff to demand they create a government that works for you and your family.
Special Interests and billionaires will already be meeting with our senators to pressure them into protecting the corrupt status quo. It’s on us to make sure they’re not the only voices in the room — to make it clear that we want senators to do whatever it takes to pass the For the People Act and save our democracy.
So join RepresentUs on Wednesday, August 25th at 7pm to find out how to have a successful meeting with your senator and push them to pass the For the People Act.
Thank you for all you do,
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs