Weekly Reads
“[P]hilanthropic leaders, particularly white leaders, need to rethink all aspects of how they do their work, from who is on their staffs and boards to who and how they fund the work of nonprofits to their willingness to abundantly resource people working deeply in communities of color to improve people’s lives in meaningful and lasting ways.” [more]
David Biemesderfer, United Philanthropy Forum
“To better understand emerging trends, [we] recently asked 18 leaders to share their insights into the challenges confronting philanthropic evaluators. What we learned is that the field faces myriad, intertwined issues, some related to the expanding set of skills and capacities required of individual evaluators, others to the shifting role of evaluation in philanthropy more broadly, and still others specific to the moment we’re facing as a society.” [more]
Matthew Carr and Johanna Morariu, Walton Family Foundation, and Jewlya Lynn, PolicySolve
"The Building Movement Project [BMP] differentiates 'transactional solidarity' — being a spectator, bystander or mildly interested participant — from 'transformative solidarity,' which requires us to challenge ourselves to commit for the long term, disrupt the status quo and deepen relationships rather than walk away when they become hard. 'It’s a daily, lifelong practice,” [BMP's Deepa] Iyer said. 'It’s not something we do when there’s a horrible case of police violence or when there is anti-Asian violence.'” [more]
Ada Tseng, LA Times