Dear Friend,

Virginia has taken big steps forward over the last 8 years on immigrants rights, LGBTQ+ rights, health care for those most in need, and many of the issues that led me to seek to serve you on the County Board. Attorney General Mark Herring has been at the center of that progress on issue after issue from fighting to save Obamacare to the critical work on marriage equality to the fight for educational equity in college affordability for Dreamers.  

To continue to work for these ideas that you and I share, Mark Herring needs our help to win on November 2nd, 74 days from today. I ask you to join me in contributing to his campaign and/or coming to an event for him on Monday August 30th:   
Click Here to Join Me at an Event at Paul Fergusion and Karen Keyes House on Monday, August 30th
The Attorney General was there for us at the start of our campaign when I ran for the County Board, doing a critical early event that helped us gain credibility and resources. His record is outstanding: when I think of the Dreamers I have heard speak of graduating from college, where I was when marriage equality became the law of the land, and issue after issue, Mark Herring has fought tirelessly and effectively on the side of fairness and justice. 

I've committed to helping Attorney General Herring raise the resources he needs to win on November 2nd, contributing what I can in this general election toward a goal of raising $2,500. I am asking you to help with what you can afford, because the change we have made in Virginia these past 8 years are not inevitable and Mark Herring needs our help. Go here to contribute toward that goal:

The Washington Post describes it well, saying "No Virginia attorney general in recent memory has made such a positive difference in the lives of ordinary people." To read more of their article on him, go here:
With Attorney General Mark Herring & Delegate Rip Sullivan at an early event the AG did to help us have the credibility and resources to win in 2018.  

Yesterday, as part of a Virginia Association of Counties meeting I listened to Mark's opponent: platitudes and fear, not specifics and hope. Let's not get caught wondering what might have been in this fight for justice. Let's make sure that in the first meaningful election after Donald Trump leaves office, we help change Virginia and the nation for good, forever, by doing all we can to re-elect Mark Herring. 

Thank you for considering this respectful request and all you have done and do for justice, 


Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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