These same mountains that one hundred years ago...

Dear John,


Led by the West Virginia Poor People’s Campaign, the National Poor People’s Campaign along with partners and moral leaders from around the state, West Virginians ‘from the hood to the holler’ are safely gathering on Thursday August 26th for a Mass Moral Motorcade on Manchin. We demand Senator Manchin have the moral courage to: end the coward’s filibuster, pass all provisions of the For the People Act, fully restore the 1965 Voting Rights Act and pass $15/hr federal minimum wage.


You can join us by car or online, just register by clicking the button below.


All summer we have been taking moral leadership on the question of the future of our democracy. (Click here to read a thrilling round-up of our Season of Action put together by the Kairos Center.) We are clear in our demands, and are speaking with one voice.


We know that the failure to pass these provisions has put the infrastructure of democracy and the lives of tens of millions of low-income workers at risk. Senator Manchin is hiding behind the cowardly filibuster to appease the forces of the US Chamber of Commerce rather than the people of West Virginia, where 40% of our people are poor or low-income.


The Mass Moral Motorcade on Manchin will gather in Madison, WV, the same mountains that one hundred years ago saw the largest multiracial labor uprising in history, where thousands of coal miners joined together to fight for dignity, respect, fair wages and a union. The motorcade will end at the West Virginia State Capitol in Charleston. The Madison-to-Charleston Mass Moral Motorcade on Manchin will build on West Virginia’s long history of resistance to greed and anti-democratic forces. We are still in a pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we can stop defending our democracy! Join us for the motorcade* on Thursday, Aug. 26 or join us online at


*Participation in the motorcade will be exclusively inside your car and does not include being in a crowd or march. We have chosen to organize a motorcade in this way in light of the surging Covid 19 cases with the Delta variant. Once you sign up here and select the option to join the motorcade, you will be sent further details for the day's logistics.


Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival


PS - We will be joining the multi-racial and multi-issue Make Good Trouble Rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC on Saturday, Aug. 28 on the 58th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom. We invite our PPC network in the immediate Washington DC metro area/DMV to join us in person if you feel comfortable and safe doing so, and encourage everyone else to join us online for this historic event.