Please email Representatives in the U.S. today.
Dear Jack,

A few months ago, BuzzFeed News exposed a huge scandal – WWF-funded rangers have been abusing, torturing and murdering indigenous peoples in the name of conservation.

This is a huge development in our campaign to force the WWF to stop violating indigenous peoples’ rights in the name of nature. Now we need your help to keep the pressure up.
Email the U.S. government today
Scandalously, U.S. taxpayer money is supporting conservation projects fraught with human rights abuses. The good news is that the House Committee on Natural Resources has finally launched an investigation into such funding.

We’re campaigning against the creation of Messok Dja park in the Congo basin, which is being created without the consent of the rightful owners of the land, the Baka people. The Baka face horrific abuse at the hands of rangers funded by the WWF with your taxpayer dollars!

The investigation could help stop taxpayer money from funding projects like Messok Dja. This will help pressure WWF and other big conservation organizations to stop violating indigenous peoples’ rights.

You can help us #StopMessokDja by writing to the committee’s leaders, Representatives Grijalva and Bishop, to let them know you support the investigation and the withdrawal of U.S. funds!

Please take two minutes to email them today, and as always, thank you for your support.


Daniel Lavelle, U.S. Director

P.S. If our location data is off and you're not based in the U.S., please check out our campaign page for more information about the Baka and how you can help.
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If the button doesn't work for you, please write your own email using the details below.
If you have time to adapt the text it'll make even more impact.
To: [email protected][email protected], [email protected]
Bcc: [email protected] (optional, but important for our records)
Subject: Please help stop the violation of indigenous rights

Dear Representatives Grijalva and Bishop,

I am writing to express my great concern that the U.S. is funding human rights violations of indigenous peoples in the name of conservation.

I support the House Committee on Natural Resources in their launch of an investigation into the government’s ties to human rights abuses in the name of conservation, including the creation of Messok Dja park in the Congo Basin, where the Baka people are being tortured, abused, and murdered at the hands of WWF-funded rangers.

As a U.S. taxpayer, I am outraged that my money could be used to steal indigenous peoples’ land and violate their human rights. 

I stand with Survival International in their campaign to #StopMessokDja and urge you to do the same. 
Yours sincerely,
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P.S. We reject government funding so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations to keep fighting for tribal peoples worldwide. Please donate today. Without you, there can be no Survival.

Survival International USA, PO Box 26345, San Francisco, CA 94126 | A 501(c)(3) organization tax I.D. 26-3208869
Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK | Charity no. 267444

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