You HAVE to see this news, PFAW Member!!! A brand new poll from PPP this week shows Susan Collins' support continues to plummet among Maine voters! Only 35% of voters approve of the job she's doing compared to 50% who disapprove! And she now trails a generic Democrat for re-election by 44-41!!! So we set out to raise an immediate $10,000 with a 300% MATCH by midnight TONIGHT in response, to give our Take Back the Senate Fund the boost it needs to seize this momentum and squash Collins' chances at re-election for good. We're almost half-way there (!) but we have only hours to raise the $5,541 we need to close the gap and hit our goal -- and we definitely cannot afford to leave any of these matching funds on the table!
Collins' popularity in Maine has been cratering ever since she cast the deciding vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court -- and that hasn't happened on its own. It's because of the fight we waged against Kavanaugh and our collective efforts since then to hold Collins accountable for her vote. Now, it turns out that our fight to impeach Trump could be the final blow to her re-election efforts. That's because, as this new poll shows, 53% of Mainers support impeaching Donald Trump with just 44% opposed. When voters were asked who they would choose if Collins opposed impeachment, she went from a 3-point deficit against a generic Democratic opponent (44-41) for re-election to a 7-point deficit at 47-40!!! WE CAN TAKE BACK THE SENATE! And we MUST if we're ever going to save the Supreme Court, our other federal courts, and advance a progressive agenda in Washington... But it's going to take the support of PFAW members like you at these critical moments to make sure our campaign is funded all the way through Election Day 2020.
Thank you for all you do. -- PFAW's Elections Team ![]()