John: Local labor will add its voice to the national "Fighting for Our Vote" campaign this Saturday at 1p (see at right and below). "This is our chance to continue the fight for the right to vote, the cornerstone of our rights as Americans," said Metro Washington Labor Council president Dyana Forester.
Coordinated by the NAACP, the "[link removed] Fighting for Our Vote" campaign focuses on access to the ballot across the nation with particular emphasis on states and cities that have passed restrictive voting laws, "with a disproportionate impact on Black and Brown voters," said MWC political director David Stephen.
The effort will mobilize members of the participating organizations - including the AFL-CIO, AFT, AFSCME, and NEA, along with the NAACP, ACLU and other advocacy organizations -- to reach out to people to urge them to register to vote and to demand that local and state elected officials adopt voter protections.
"This affects us all and I urge every affiliate to get the word out and turn your members out this Saturday," said Forester.
"Fighting for Our Vote" rally
When: Sat, August 21, 1pm - 4pm
Where: Lincoln Park, E. Capitol Street between 11 and 13th St., Washington DC 20003 ([link removed] map)
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