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** Today is World Mosquito Day 🦟 ([link removed])
Today is World Mosquito Day! It’s celebrated on 20th of August to remember the British doctor Ronald Ross, who discovered in 1897 that female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria to humans.
More than a century later and half the world is now malaria-free, but the disease still unfairly puts at risk the lives of children and pregnant women - killing more than 400,000 people every year.
We have the know-how, tools, and innovation to beat this killer disease in our lifetime. This World Mosquito Day, we are highlighting the dangers of mosquitoes and malaria by throwing a spotlight on the incredible innovations that protect people from malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases.
** Join the #MosquitoChat on Twitter
Today the world’s top scientists, researchers and epidemiologists fighting malaria and other vector-borne diseases are coming together to help bring to life some of the cutting-edge research that is taking place across the world.
You can join the conversation on Twitter throughout the day today to find out how people across the globe are making incredible breakthroughs in recent years to eliminate some of the world’s oldest and deadliest diseases.
** Check out the new Zero Malaria ‘Muundo’ Face Filter
With the support of Facebook and Dentsu, Zero Malaria’s Draw The Line campaign has launched a new AR filter on Instagram and Facebook called ‘The Muundo’ that will bring the campaign’s artwork to life, allowing you to draw the line against malaria on and instantly share it with your followers.
** The New Kenyan Youth Army
Last month, H.E President Kenyatta launched the first malaria Youth Army in Africa. The youth army will mobilise a broader social movement to fight malaria, improve maternal, child and adolescent health.
Thanks to the support of our donors this work will adopt and incorporate the bold and disruptive youth focused Draw The Line Against Malaria campaign to communities in Kenya to empower young people to end malaria in one generation.
** A new test in Kenya that will rapidly diagnose malaria
The Kenyan president also unveiled the first locally manufactured malaria rapid diagnostic testing kit. This kit is expected to significantly reduce the cost of malaria testing available and overall increase access to malaria diagnosis at the point-of-care - potentially saving thousands more lives!
** China certified malaria free by the WHO
China has made extraordinary progress. Thanks to a 70-year effort the country has gone from 30 million cases of the disease annually in the 1940s to zero.
Change is happening. Ending malaria is possible. Let’s continue the commitment and investment to achieve a zero-malaria world!
Thank you,
Malaria No More UK team
** PS. Why not make a difference this World Mosquito Day?
In 2021 no child should die from a mosquito bite. Malaria is preventable and curable. Your generosity can help end malaria for good.
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