Just as the Democrats have destroyed our country, they are now shredding our leadership in the world stage. Destroyers.
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British MP Politician Rips Biden Who “Never Fought for the Colors They Fly”
Just as the Democrats have destroyed our country, they are now shredding our leadership in the world stage. Destroyers. UK Politician Rips Biden Who “Never Fought for the Colors They Fly”

MP Tom Tugendhat from the UK gave a moving speech ...

Terror-Supporting Twitter Says Taliban Can Stay On Platform
But I am banned. And Trump is banned. Twitter is a terrorist organization.

.@twitter @verified,

Pamela Geller never:

Advocated for violence

Cut off clitorises

Killed little girls going to school

Forced little girls into ...

Connecticut: GOP Flips State Senate Seat in a District Biden Won by 25 Points
Right. Just like he won the most votes in history. Further proof of unfathomable fraud.

It is up to the American people to put an end to the madness that we are seeing on a daily basis. American's must vote the Democrat Party out of office, if ...

Report: Kamala Harris Hiding, Has Not Been Seen Publicly In 6 Days
Of course VP Harris is hiding. She want's to be POTUS one day. However, she can't defend the indefensible. She can't defend what the Biden Administration has done in Afghanistan. And she can't defend how ineptly she has handled our Southern ...

Biden Tells Secretary Of Education To Use ‘Legal Actions’ Against Governors Banning Mask Mandates
In his recent address to the nation, President Biden did not focus on America's humiliation in Afghanistan, or the humanitarian crisis at our Southern boarder. Instead, President Biden announced that he was directing the Secretary of Education to ...

Watch: Taliban Fighters Charge at CNN’s Ward, Crew with Gun
While kissing Taliban ass, of course. Clarissa  Ward and co. are only too happy to take one for the team.

Expect Taliban puff pieces from these jackals in the coming weeks ….

‘Eager To Show Off’: CNN, MSNBC Accused Of Helping Promote ...

Multiple Bomb Threats in D.C. as Suspect Tells Capitol Police ‘Other Vehicles Contain Possible Explosive Devices’
“The U.S. Capitol is on lock down due to a bomb threat, per WH official.”

If the democrats handle this the way they've handled the Afghanistan, economy, COVID, inflation, then you better …… duck!

Multiple Bomb Threats in D.C. as ...

Democrats Losing on Voter ID as Poll Finds Huge Support for ID Requirements
But it won't matter. The little people can eat dirt. Democrats don't need no stinkin' voter support. They don't ask, they just steamroll unless we fight back.

Democrats Losing on Voter ID as Poll Finds Huge Support for ID Requirements

The ...

Full transcript of Joe Biden’s Embarrassing Interview With ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, Riddled With Factual Errors About Afghanistan Withdrawal
Horrific! Watch and read.

Multiple People in Intelligence Say They Warned Biden This Could Happen

According to Jim Geraghty, he ignored all their advice and “simply chose to lie to the American public” (National Review). From the Wall ...

Jihad-Rep. Omar Says GOP Is Worried That Afghan Refugees ‘WILL OUTSHINE THEM’
If you call marrying your brother “outshining” Americans, or supporting the Islamic State and inciting to Jewish genocide, then she does indeed outshine us.

Rep. Omar says GOP is worried that Afghan refugees ‘will outshine them’

By: ...

Ugh. The Democrats embrace the most disgusting, perverse, degenerates.

The politicized FBI knew about it but did nothing about it.

Can you imagine a GOP leading light marrying her brother or father?

FBI dodged Ilhan Omar-‘bro’ wed ...

COVID SILVER LINING: Homeschooling Is Surging Across America
This is our great hope. The silver lining of draconian Democrat COVID restrictions is the mass exodus of American children from government schools.

The left destroyed the minds of the current generation. Those dopes are hopeless. But the ...

President Trump Wipes Out Biden In New Poll
The morons who voted for Joe Biden now regret it. How nice of them. Millions of clueless Americans voted for Joe Biden, despite Biden being distinctly and visibly unqualified to be commander and chief. It was all about Trump's tweets and and his ...

WATCH: Desperate Mothers THROW Their Babies Over Barbed Wire to Soldiers Outside Kabul Airport to Save Them from Taliban as Chaos Continues
Imagine the rabid running dogs in the Democrat-media if this was happening under Trump — although it never would. President Trump would never put America in such a terrible, humiliating position.

It Begins: Afghan Mothers Toss Their Babies ...

BRAVO! 1,200 First Responders Will File Lawsuit gainst COVID Vaccine Mandate
No one is going to give you your freedoms back. You have to take them back. Two words: Mass non-compliance.

Attorneys: 1,200 first responders will file lawsuit against COVID vaccine mandate

By: Chelsee Yee, Manolo Morales, KHON2, Aug 12, ...

Disgraced Biden Approval Plummets To Lowest In His 7-month Presidency After Taliban Humiliation
A 46 percent approval ratings for President Biden, despite a bias and left-wing media that gives him favourable coverage. And the Reuters/Ipsos poll is not a conservative friendly poll either. As such, Biden's approval rating is probably much lower ...

Jihadis Rejoice Over Taliban’s Islamic Victory
The dead are returning. Jihad has risen. Thanks to the Democrat party. Jimmy Carter  and Iran redux.

As an eyewitness from inside the belly of the beast, Let me tell you, we were safe under Trump.The numerous Islamic assassination plots ...

Islamic Scholar: We Ask Allah To Complete The Victory Of The Taliban Over U.S. And Infidel West
This has always been the goal. It was their running dogs in the Democrat-criminal-media that covered-up for, scrubbed, whitewashed and supported the global jihad movement.

This has always been the goal. It was their running dogs in the ...


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