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 News of the Week

After Outcry, NYC Opens Emergency Housing Vouchers to More Homeless New Yorkers
The city’s previous policy, which City Limits reported on last month, blocked adults approved for supportive housing—permanent apartments with on-site staff, typically reserved for people with mental illness—from even applying for the roughly 8,000 new rental subsidies.

How Should NYC Address Environmental Justice? Let Officials Know
The city is seeking public feedback that will help shape its first “Environmental Justice for All Report” planned for next year, looking at issues like water and air quality, waste management and access to green spaces.

Infrastructure Bill Cuts Federal Funds to Remove Highways, As Mayor Proposes BQE Fix
The Reconnecting Communities Act which would have allocated $15 billion to retrofitting or replacing roadways that cut through economically disadvantaged areas, like the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.

Supreme Court Ruling on NY Eviction Ban Fuels Confusion For Tenants and Landlords
The state’s beleaguered Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) has gotten off to a rocky start, adding to the confusion for tenants and landlords.

How Will NY’s Next Governor Kathy Hochul Address Housing and Homelessness?
The soon-to-be governor recently pledged to re-strengthen the state’s eviction moratorium after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key portion of the law, which expires at the end of this month.

Eric Adams Backs Gowanus Rezoning Plan, With NYCHA Funding Conditions
“Buildings cannot go up around NYCHA developments while residents see their futures go down,” Adams said outside the Gowanus Houses Friday.

As NYC Students Head Back to School, Immunocompromised Families Push for Remote Option

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Una Ciudad Sin Límites

Qué significa la decisión de la Corte Suprema para la moratoria de desalojos de Nueva York
La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos anuló el jueves 12 de agosto una pieza clave de la moratoria de desalojos de Nueva York, bloqueando una disposición que permitía a los inquilinos eludir los procedimientos del Tribunal de la Vivienda jurando que habían experimentado una dificultad financiera relacionada con el COVID-19.

¿Una posible reforma migratoria en el paquete de reconciliación presupuestaria?
Si bien no se saben todos los detalles de la propuesta, se sabe que el tema de inmigración será abordado por dos frentes: el comités de Seguridad Nacional hará recomendaciones sobre la frontera y el comité de Asuntos Gubernamentales y Judicial del Senado (Senate Judiciary Committee) se encargará del paso a la ciudadanía.

Congresista llega a un acuerdo para mantener el propuesto convertidor de alta tensión fuera del “callejón del asma” del sur del Bronx
Si bien no hay un plan completamente definido por parte de las organizaciones que hacen parte de este esfuerzo, sí hay unas directrices para impulsar la vacunación en comunidades afectadas desproporcionadamente por la pandemia en Nueva York.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Curb Learning Loss at NYC Schools With a Culturally-Responsive Curriculum
‘I want our children to be good ancestors and citizens of the world, to see the beauty in all voices and stories. But to do that, they need to see diverse representation not just in their neighborhood, but in their school curriculum as well.’

Opinion: A Truly Equitable SoHo/NoHo Rezoning Should Focus on More Housing, Not Office Space
‘The need for new housing, especially affordable, in these high-opportunity neighborhoods is much more acute than the need for more commercial space.’

Opinion: Unresolved Issues with Cuomo’s $2.05 Billion LaGuardia AirTrain
‘Will there really be 9,000 daily riders? Does a cost benefit analysis justify investing $2.05 billion for this project, long-championed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who will no longer be in office come next month?’

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