I want to surprise my dad for his birthday. You know my dad as “Dr. Paul,” the Champion of the Constitution and the man who ignited the r3VOLution which still burns today in the heart of liberty loving Americans -- even in 2021. But I know him as the great man who raised our family and refuses to back down to tyranny, even after 50 years of sounding the alarm. This Friday, August 20, is his birthday, so I am really hoping you can help me out! Will you sign his birthday card? ![]() This time of year, I also can’t help but reflect on what inspired Dad to run for Congress 50 years ago. On Aug 15, 1971 President Richard Nixon ended the gold standard. Dad immediately knew the long-term consequences of that action, which signaled the destruction of our currency, and he stood up to run for Congress a few years later. He didn’t win in his first try but came back two years later in 1976 and won the seat and was reelected time and again, because it turns out the message of freedom, liberty, peace, and sound money is very popular. Just about everything he predicted would happen since that date has come to pass, and those who listened have become the great supporters who keep him going even today. During his three runs for president, my dad inspired millions without ever changing who he is or his message of freedom. I’m proud to call him my father, and I know we need more people who think like him in the world. I can tell you how much he appreciates what Campaign for Liberty supporters like you do to continue the cause of liberty day in and day out, so won’t you help me make his birthday this year extra special? ![]() Then please consider joining the many patriots who are making a $50 donation to mark the 50-year anniversary of my dad’s entry into politics to fight against the reckless moves to destroy our dollar! If I could change anything about what we’ve experienced as a political family since the 1970’s, it would just be that more people would have started listening to my father back then! With the medical tyranny headed at us at full steam, more people are waking up now than ever, so I am ever hopeful that we can turn things around now. Dad is still spreading the brushfires of liberty daily, even in the most dangerous times that we’ve seen, with more and more people saying, “Ron Paul was right about everything” with each passing day. I know you support my father because you’re reading this letter, so won’t you help give him a very Happy Birthday by signing his card? ![]() Then, won’t you consider a very special $50 donation to mark the 50 year anniversary of Dad entering politics to fight against the reckless moves to destroy our dollar? My father could have gone on with his medical practice and stayed away from the tumultuous world of politics, but his desire to serve and sacrifice in order to save our Republic was simply too strong. Sure, it was a sacrifice for our family, but it’s been worth the price. After all, where would this country be without the influence of Ron Paul on our politics? There certainly wouldn’t be this new generation of liberty candidates who are getting into office and making changes on the local level. I have no doubt in my mind that the long-term effect of the r3VOLution hasn’t even been realized yet. The future of this country will certainly owe a debt to my dad. Won’t you join me in wishing him a very happy birthday? I know he'll appreciate seeing your name, Patriot, as one of many in a big stack of birthday messages that will be delivered as a surprise to him TOMORROW. Thank you in advance, Patriot, for helping make my dad’s birthday extra special and for all you do for liberty. Ronnie Paul Campaign for Liberty P.S. My father’s birthday is coming up TOMORROW, so please sign his birthday card TODAY and add your name to the growing stack of cards we’re going to surprise him with. ________________________________________________ The
mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money,
free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |