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Just News

for August 19, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


Browse Our Collection of Research and Reports
We have an extensive library of research and reports that dates back many years; now available in one convenient location! [View all]

Browse Our Collection of Racial Wealth Snapshots
Over the past two years, NCRC has put together a catalog of Racial Wealth Snapshots. [View all]


HMDA Data Reveals Refi Boom During Pandemic, but not for Black and Hispanic Homeowners
Record-low interest rates created an opportunity for homeowners to lower their mortgage costs and build more personal wealth faster. But it was a bust for communities of color. Their share of refinance loans declined. [Read more]

NCRC Applauds FHFA’s Proposed Expansion of Affordable Housing Goals, and a New Goal Specific for Minority Communities
The affordable housing goals proposed are a significant step in the right direction and signal a renewed commitment to the affordable housing mission of the GSEs. A new goal focused exclusively on communities of color is a big deal and a bold move. [Read more]


Years After a Toxic Spill, an Alabama Community Loses Hope
By Rose Ramirez and Brad Blower
Last month, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), the South Alabama Fair Housing Center (SAFHC) and We Matter Eight Mile Community Association (We Matter Eight Mile) held a community meeting in the predominantly Black community of Eight Mile, north of Mobile, Alabama. [Read more]

Language Barriers and Healthcare
By Emily Orminski
At least 350 languages are spoken in US households. With that many languages, it comes as no surprise that language barriers are an everyday challenge for some Americans. [Read more]


2020 HMDA Preliminary Analysis
In 2020, the HMDA data included over 25 million Loan Application Records (LAR). These applications resulted in 14.5 million loan originations, 5.2 million more loan originations than were reported in 2019. [Read more]

Massachusetts CRA for Mortgage Companies: A Good Starting Point for Federal Policy
By Josh Silver
Several affordable housing and civil rights organizations engaged in a multi-year advocacy campaign for expanding Massachusetts’ statewide Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) to include mortgage companies. [Read more]


Forum & Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our forum and member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

2021 Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

TreasureCRA Page
CRA will be essential for COVID-19 economic recovery in the communities hardest hit by the pandemic. Use the tools on this page to reach your friends and local leaders. [Read more]

In the News

Is HUD and FHFA’s new agreement a game changer?
By Georgia Kromrei, HousingWire
Talking about FHFA’s acting director Sandra Thompson: “I mean, she’s not just keeping the seat warm,” said Gerron Levi, senior director of government affairs at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “She’s taking some significant actions, and moving ahead on issues that are important for lower-income borrowers, borrowers of color and communities of color.” [Read More]
The Resilience of New York's Black Homeowners
By Stefanos Chen, The New York Times
In a sale, Black homeowners’ returns often go to paying down debts incurred while they lived in the home, rather than to the next generation, said Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, the chief of membership, policy and equity at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “It doesn’t substantively change lives.” [Read More]

Here’s How Each Candidate for Mayor Plans to Tackle Gentrification
By Zipporah Osei,
Boston is the third most gentrified city in the nation, according to a study by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Read More]

On Our Radar

HBCUs Erasing Student Debt with Federal Funds Brings Hope for Students and Schools
By Deepa Shivaram, NPR
The CARES Act, passed in March 2020, gave $1 billion to HBCUs and Minority Serving Institutions specifically. More than 20 of the roughly 100 HBCUs around the country have been using these funds to help their students pay off debts owed to the school. [Read More]

How to Fight the Poison of Environmental Racism
By Margaret Renkl, The New York Times
Polluting industries count on the communities they target to be powerless, and they count on people in powerful communities to pay no attention. For wealthier communities, it tends to be an out-of-sight-out-of-mind situation, at least until it creeps close enough to become a not-in-my-backyard fight of their own. [Read More]
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