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Hi John,


Picture this: Oceans empty of whales, everywhere in the world.


It sounds hard to believe, but it almost happened. Only a few decades ago, hundreds of thousands of whales were killed because of greed.


Today whales have rebounded from the brink of extinction. [1] And the turning point began in the 70s and 80s, when Greenpeace activists confronted the whalers’ harpoons.


In that moment, whales were saved. But the global attention brought to whale hunting by Greenpeace achieved even more.


A huge outcry against the needless slaughter of these beautiful, intelligent animals had begun. And by 1986, we won a ban on commercial whaling. [2]


As Greenpeace turns 50 this year, it’s a chance to look back on this victory – and on others we’ve won together. But it’s also a moment to focus on the critical challenges our planet faces today.


In 2021 whales are choking on plastic, end up tangled in discarded fishing nets, and face threats as the climate crisis heats oceans. [3] Our work is far from done. So today, Greenpeace’s ships are at sea confronting bottom trawling fishing fleets, and preventing marine ecosystems being destroyed for profit. [4] John, can you give a few pounds a month to fund this work?

Within a generation, the whaling industry decimated whale populations so badly, it was thought only 450 humpback whales remained. [1] At the time, so many governments supported the slaughter, it seemed like hope was lost.


But from the day we were founded, Greenpeace has always believed in not giving up hope.


Setting out in small rubber boats, our activists captured footage of the enormous violence involved in harpooning animals that could weigh over 100 tonnes. Those images were beamed across the globe, exposing an industry that had, to that point, been hidden from view.


From those beginnings, a global movement was born. Badges and t-shirts proclaiming ‘save the whales’ were worn the world over.


Our campaign to save the whales wouldn’t have been possible without people chipping in whatever they could to support our mission. So I’m emailing to ask, can you do the same today?


Together, we won a ban on commercial whaling. But right now our oceans face multiple, unprecedented crises -- overfishing, plastic waste, coral reef destruction, and ocean acidification to name a few. It’s vital we work together to protect them. Can you give a few pounds a month to support this work?

Despite the threats our oceans face, a better future is within reach. Recent research – by Greenpeace and scientists from Oxford and York universities – showed that marine ecosystems can recover, if we create ocean sanctuaries and give them a chance to heal. [3]


Whether you've been with Greenpeace since the 70s, or you just signed up today, we hope you’ll keep on being part of our people-powered movement. Because if there’s one thing we’ve seen again and again since the day we were founded, it’s that by banding together, we make far more of a difference than any of us alone.


Thank you,


Louisa Casson

Oceans campaigner, Greenpeace UK



[1] Humpback Whales Have Made a Remarkable Recovery, Giving Us Hope for the Planet

[2] A badge of honour: the fight to save the whale

[3] Groundbreaking scientific study maps out how to protect a third of the world’s oceans by 2030

[4] Greenpeace patrols the UK’s seas to confront destructive fishing


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