Hi Friend,

Do you feel like your children, grandchildren, or other kids in your life aren’t getting the education they need?

Do you wish that parents had better leverage, options, and choices for where their kids go to school? 

Do you feel like funding should follow students… not systems?

Do you believe that parents should be the ones determining how or even what their children learn, particularly if it involves beliefs or values?

Do you feel like government-run school systems aren’t putting kids first in every decision they make?

Do you have a horror story about the indoctrination or politicization of your child’s classrooms?

Do you have a positive experience with school choice programs, private or charter schools, homeschooling, or innovative learning experiences like pods or microschools?

If so, we want to hear from YOU.

Speak up, Friend

Share your story.
Express your thoughts.



Ginny Gentles