Hi John,

I can’t believe I’m saying this but on Bank Holiday Monday I am going to attempt to run 5 kilometres in public for the first time. I am doing it to raise money for HOPE not hate Charitable Trust. 

Running is honestly a huge challenge for me but the importance of HOPE not hate’s work has motivated me to stick with it. With a few days left before the race, I’m writing to ask if you can chip in to support HOPE not hate by sponsoring our run?


Depending on your opinion of running, 5k might sound incredibly easy or absolutely horrendous. Let me explain why this is such a big challenge for me and why it’s so important to me that I persevere.

Last August on a weekend away with my family, I realised I was exhausted after a day of walking and that lockdown had meant I’d accidentally got incredibly unfit. I’d never voluntarily run anywhere in my life before, but I dug out some old trainers and went for a very short, very slow jog up the road and back. Since then I have been gradually increasing the amount I run. 

Honestly, a year later I still hate running. I have to give myself a firm talking to everytime I put my trainers on. So why am I putting myself through this? 

On Monday 30th August I’m joining the London Interfaith Fun Run. Hundreds of people will come together from many different faiths and beliefs to celebrate all we have in common and to raise money for a range of amazing causes. 

Alongside other HOPE not hate colleagues and supporters, I’ll be running to raise money for HOPE not hate Charitable Trust. Every day working at HOPE not hate, I see first hand what a difference our work is making in promoting hope and creating resilience to hate in communities across the country.  

I’m looking forward to the moment of pride (and relief!) when I cross the finish line, knowing I’ve achieved something that will raise awareness and money for a cause I passionately believe in. 

As a HOPE not hate supporter, I know you feel as strongly as I do. Can you get involved in this important work by sponsoring our run?


Can’t afford to donate right now? It would be brilliant if you could share our fundraising page with your friends and family on social media instead. 

Thank you for everything you do,

Jemma Levene
Deputy Director, HOPE Not Hate

PS. Are you a keen runner? Or maybe skydiving is more your thing?! If you would like to challenge yourself, have fun and raise money for HOPE not hate all at the same time, check out these inspirational stories and tips to get involved with fun fundraising.