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Thursday, August 19th, 2021

History That the American Taliban Hates

Thomas DiLorenzo

Hurrah! Washington’s Pointless Sojourn in the Graveyard of Empires Is Finally Over

David Stockman

Freedom in the Time of Covid-19

Andrew P. Napolitano

Next-Stage Insanity Started Today

Tom Woods

It Is Okay And Natural To Part Paths With Friends in a Time Such As This

Allan Stevo

The Shame Wars


Covid Will Prevail As Long As the Known Cures Are Against Protocol

Paul Craig Roberts

The Dawn of Civilization

Bionic Mosquito

How Much Is Health Worth? A Newly Released Research Report Says $38 Trillion/Year

Bill Sardi

The Propaganda War

CJ Hopkins

The Real Story Behind Collapsing Supply Chains and What it Means for You

Doug Casey

Dangerous Territory Ahead: What a Vaccine-Segregated Society Will Look Like for the Unvaxxed

Dr. Joseph Mercola


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