Visit at 12 p.m. ET to view the livestream of The College Dropout Scandal with David Kirp.

The Economic Policy Institute invites you for a conversation and luncheon with author and Berkeley professor of public policy David Kirp to discuss The College Dropout Scandal. Emma García, EPI's education economist, will introduce the author, and Pedro da Costa, communications director, will moderate the sit-down chat and audience Q&A.

Kirp’s findings are rather stunning: 40% of undergraduates at public universities don’t earn a bachelor’s degree within six years, and 70% of students at two-year community colleges haven’t graduated after three years.

We look forward to a lively debate, including plenty of time for questions from the audience.

Visit at 12 p.m. ET to view the livestream.
What: Book talk on The College Dropout Scandal

Who: David Kirp, professor, University of California at Berkeley
Emma García, EPI education economist
Pedro da Costa, EPI communications director

When: Friday, October 18
12 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Eastern

View the Livstream
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