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Image via Membership Puzzle Project
Nearly five years ago, I heard a simple analogy that changed how I thought about newsrooms, audience and revenue. Jay Rosen, who teaches journalism at New York University, put it this way ([link removed]) : Subscription models have gates and membership models do not. Those who support membership-powered newsrooms through money, time and expertise want other people to have access to that work — so, no gates.
“Subscription is — you pay your money and you get a product and it’s a product relationship,” Rosen said in 2017. “And membership is — you join the cause because you believe in the work.”
One cause he and many others have believed in since then is membership itself and understanding how it works, if it’s replicable and if it can sustain newsrooms. They explored this through something called the Membership Puzzle Project ([link removed]) .
It’s worth pointing out that the newsroom that inspired this all, The Correspondent in the Netherlands, crowdfunded to have a U.S.-based newsroom ([link removed]) and then opened a Netherlands-based site to cover the U.S., which it then closed ([link removed]) in December 2020.
That saga aside, there are some solid lessons from four years of research and community-building from the Membership Puzzle Project, which will officially close at the end of this month (a move that was always part of its plan).
The first, and probably the easiest to understand, is the distinction between membership and subscription. This matters as more and more newsrooms make the shift from being mostly ad-supported to being mostly customer-supported.
What does that relationship look like?
Paying money and getting access to information works well for a lot of newsrooms, said Ariel Zirulnick, MPP’s fund director. The public radio model of donating works in a lot of places, too.
But MPP found that robust membership includes members who give time, energy and ideas, not just money.
“And I think that is a really key difference there,” she said. “What do you give and what do you get in exchange?”
There’s not one answer.
Which leads to another lesson: Membership will look different depending on the community and the newsroom.
The relationship between a newsroom and its community involves figuring out what people want, offering it, seeing if it’s working, refining it and testing again and again.
“People are incredibly complex and every news organization’s audience has multiple audiences within it,” Zirulnick said. “There’s a lot about the process that can’t be copy and pasted.”
And that leads to a third lesson: The newsrooms that found success in membership were really good at trying.
“They are constantly bringing in new information and data,” Zirulnick said. “They are always open to receiving feedback and when audience members and members give them feedback, they synthesize it and show how."
I asked Zirulnick about her hopes for local newsrooms and membership, and she shared a few powerful ones.
“I hope newsrooms stop copying each other and instead turn to their communities,” she said.
MPP saw the power of this approach particularly in its last year working with newsrooms outside the U.S., where they knew trying what worked here might not work there.
Another: Share your mistakes, not just your successes. Because MPP had to document everything, it created a community that was discovering what worked and what didn’t together.
And one more:
“I think we need to take a step beyond ‘local journalism is good for democracy’ as the value proposition for local news into ‘what is the vision your community has for itself and how is membership to your newsroom one of the steps they can take toward fulfilling that mission?’”
You can check out MPP’s work and Membership Guide ([link removed]) , which builds off of projects from newsrooms around the world.
From our Sponsor:
Looking to diversify audiences and grow memberships? One answer is a carefully thought-out event strategy. Learn from Scalawag’s event model ([link removed]) to serve and engage communities historically overlooked and harmed by the media.
While you’re here:
* Here’s a free resource from MediaWise ([link removed]) to help your communities feel confident telling fact from fiction online.
* Check out this work ([link removed]) from the Center for Media Engagement, Trusting News and 27 local newsrooms that’s exploring how local newsrooms can better serve conservative audiences. You can learn more here ([link removed]) , sign up for this online event ([link removed]) about the project and apply to be part of the Pluralism Network ([link removed]) .
* Earlier this year, PBS NewsHour launched the cross-platform Communities Initiative ([link removed]) and recently announced three new hires ([link removed]) .
* Listen to the It’s All Journalism podcast on how the Los Angeles Times built compelling virtual events ([link removed]) .
* And read Better News to learn how The Seattle Times made its homepage a destination ([link removed]) . ([link removed])
* Apply for a journalism travel grant ([link removed]) of up to $1,500 from the Neal Peirce Foundation.
* From API, read about how four newsrooms identified the work they needed to stop doing ([link removed]) .
* Check out LION Publishers’ new site ([link removed]) . Lookin’ good!
* Read my colleague Rick Edmonds on an effort to start a new newsroom in Baltimore ([link removed]) .
* The Chicago Tribune has a new editor. Congrats to Mitch Pugh! ([link removed])
* Learn how City Bureau’s Documenters program is working in Cleveland ([link removed]) .
* Keep up with the newsrooms Gannett is closing with this coverage from Dan Kennedy ([link removed]) .
* And read about Rosie ([link removed]) in my latest feature obit for the Tampa Bay Times. She loved dances, presents and family and was 74.
From our Sponsor:
Submit your entry to the Local that Works contest ([link removed]) by August 23 and you could win the $20,000 grand prize! Local that Works is open to public radio and TV stations, and local independent news organizations, including nonprofits, digital sites, community newspapers and ethnic media.
That’s it for me. Here’s a list of places ([link removed]) you can donate to and support people in Afghanistan and another ([link removed]) to support people in Haiti.
Take care,
Kristen Hare
Editor, Locally
The Poynter Institute
@kristenhare ([link removed])
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