August 18, 2021
Dear Friend,
As you might already know, the conversation on Comprehensive Immigration Reform is a growing interest among our constituents within the 9th Congressional District. On Tuesday, August 24, 2021, from 10:30- 11:30AM, Congresswoman Clarke and Clergy & Faith Based Organization, along with The Undocublack Network, "The We Are Home Campaign", and the Medgar Evers College Immigration Center will be hosting the #HealBrooklyn Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the “American Dream Promise Act”.
The purpose of the event is to proactively inform our Clergy, Faith-Based Organizations, and community stakeholders on my current legislations surrounding immigration (HR 6 & HR 1177) and important local resources available to help assist in areas of these most important spaces. We would love to have you at this event.
Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke
In collaboration with Clergy & Faith Based Organization
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
“American Dream Promise Act”
A Real Pathway to Citizenship
When: Tuesday, August 24, 2021, @ 10:30 AM
Where: Virtual - Facebook, Twitter & Youtube
How: Follow us on social media @RepYvetteClarke
RSVP & Submit Questions Here: Immigration Reform, HR6, & HR1177