Join us Saturday at Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill to fight for our vote. Congress must restore voting rights by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to protect against racism and voter suppression.
Fighting for our vote. Event information that is also listed below in text. RSVP at for more news, events and to volunteer. Free food, music and mobilization activities. Washington, D.C.

Hi John,


Join us Saturday, Aug. 21, at Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill to support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. AFL-CIO Acting President and Secretary-Treasurer Liz Shuler will be speaking as well.

Saturday, Aug. 21, 1–4 p.m. ET

Lincoln Park (Capitol Hill area)

East Capitol Street NE (between 11th and 13th streets)

Washington, D.C.

America’s democracy is under threat today, from decades of inequality, the dismantling of workers’ rights and the attacks on voting rights.


So we’re joining with other labor and civil rights organizations to fight back.


Politicians in state legislatures across the country are passing voter suppression legislation. They’re implementing voter ID laws and cutting back on early voting and vote-by-mail.


They’re attacking the voting rights of communities of color, particularly Black voters. And these are the same tactics they’ve been using for decades.


The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would strengthen our freedom to vote. It ensures a federal review of any changes to voting laws that could discriminate against voters based on race or background.


Learn more about the Fighting for Our Vote campaign and join us Saturday, Aug. 21, at 1 p.m.


In Solidarity,




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