Dear Patriot, For over a year, Campaign for Liberty and I have been warning you about
the threat of a vaccine passport . . . if you want to use public services, or even private businesses, you'll have to give up your right to medical
privacy and prove you've been "fully vaccinated." And in the past few days I've been
warning that Joe Biden was on the cusp of restrictions in the form of withholding medical reimbursements and a ban on interstate travel for those who
choose not to be jabbed. We were told the White House was holding back because they feared a
firestorm from the public. Maybe they thought the media's and public's focus on the Afghanistan
disaster would be a good time to move.
Because today, the first shoe dropped! CNN just reported, "The Biden
administration will direct all nursing homes to require their staff be vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to continue receiving Medicare and
Medicaid funding." Patriot, they want total control over everything you have, including your
body. The runaway train of corporate fascism and
medical tyranny will keep speeding up until another greater force slams the brakes on it.
Fortunately, you and I have the power to stop this, but the question is will it be exercised in time to avoid an all-out
fascist takeover? Earlier this year, the New York state assembly introduced a bill to create
COVID camps, where people who are suspected to be virus carriers can be “legally” rounded up and held:
The bill language states the following: … Removal and detention of
cases, contacts, and carriers who are or may be a danger to public health;
… the governor or his or her delegee, including, but not limited
to the commissioner or the heads of local health departments, may order the removal and/or detention of such a person or of
a group of such persons by issuing a single order; … The
governor or his or her delegee shall seek further court review of such detention within ninety days following the initial court order
authorizing detention; … to require an individual
who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment,
preventive medication or vaccination. Just a half year later, New York City has imposed a Vaccine Passport, which now bars people from
entering restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues, and other indoor spaces without proof they’ve taken the experimental COVID shot.
How long before the detention camp bill is revived to round up those who are still non-compliant
with Big Pharma and the medical fascists’ demands? Big Pharma, Fauci, Biden, and their
cronies are making their big move. They don’t care that their decrees are now
creating “second-class citizens” in places like New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, with Chicago likely on the
way. A combined 16 million people live in those cities, with tens of millions more in the surrounding areas, who are likely to visit and
transact with those vaccine-mandated businesses. But not anymore . . . unless their
customers are willing to take the jab. The medical tyrants, led by Dr. Fauci, have
succeeded in bringing back segregation long after we thought that societal ill had been cured. And along the way, by mandating businesses turn away those who choose not to take a jab for one reason or another, these city
governments are killing off more small businesses that might have survived the forced shutdowns.
Now we get word that the Biden administration is “not considering travel restrictions and vaccine checkpoints at this
time,” which means they ARE considering them. And Representative
Ritchie Torres (D-NY15) has just introduced a bill, H.R. 4980, which makes the experimental COVID jabs MANDATORY in order to
fly. The bill description says this legislation will “direct the Secretary of
Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a
territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.”
This is Big Pharma gone completely rogue and using these empty vessels in Congress to push their “needle
Nazism.” These people need to hear our voices VERY LOUDLY at once to stop
them in their tracks. Sign the petition AT ONCE to your U.S. Representative and
Senators to REJECT H.R. 4980 and ANY vaccination requirement in order to travel freely about the country. We also need your help right away with a rush donation of
$25, $50, $75, or more if you can afford it! Your generous donation will be used
to fund Campaign for Liberty’s aggressive programs to keep Congress in check and put horrible legislation like H.R. 4980 on the scrap heap of
history. With your help, we have stopped nearly the entire Biden agenda in Congress in 2021 -- your contributions and action made this happen.
Tucker Carlson wrote an Op-ed for Fox News and had some very strong warnings
about what we could be in store for: Everything you thought you owned, very much including your body, now belongs to the Democratic
Party. Where you travel, who you speak to, where you live, what you say and write and think — all this is now controlled by the Party. And
everything means everything, even your medical autonomy. What’s even more disturbing than these attempts to bully, coerce, and
ultimately force people to make a specific medical decision that benefits Big Pharma is that Dr. Fauci and the Tech Giants like Facebook
colluded behind the scenes at the very beginning of this worldwide viral outbreak to determine what was allowed to even be said online
about COVID, masks, the Wuhan Lab, and the rushed
vaccination! And they’re still silencing people for standing up against mask
mandates! My son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was banned from using his YouTube
(Google) channel because he told the truth about masks and actually said exactly what Fauci said about them last year!
But Dr. Fauci gets to say anything he wants on his constant and embarrassing media tour.
Fauci -- who should be more worried about his culpability for the entire pandemic given that he admits
to funding the research that created the virus and made it more transmissible -- is still getting all the airtime he wants on corporate television.
On CBS This Morning over the weekend, Fauci again pushed for mandated COVID vaccinations, saying
that personal freedom to opt out of the COVID jab goes out the window entirely -- when he says so:
“We've got to do mitigation, put aside all of these issues
of concern about liberties and personal liberties.” Fauci then admitted there are a lot of widespread issues with the jab, and it might not work as well as people expect it to.
certainly are getting what are called breakthrough infections, which means a person who was vaccinated might get infected and actually may even spread
the virus.” Which one is it,
Fauci? He can’t actually be promoting draconian mandates for a vaccination or medication that doesn’t actually work for many people, can
he? What a disgusting madman. Others
are saying we need to give up our liberties and our rights in troubled times. Former California
governor and Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger even said, “screw your freedom.”
I for one agree more with Benjamin Franklin who said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety.” It’s time to DEMAND our freedom with no
strings attached, before those who are skeptical and opt out of the Big Pharma jab are not allowed to fly or travel on an Interstate Highway!
Sign the petition AT ONCE to your U.S. Representative
and Senators to REJECT needle Nazism. Once you do that, I urge
you to rush a donation of $25, $50, $75, or more to keep Campaign for Liberty on the front lines of the raging battle over MANDATORY COVID jabs.
Most of the major U.S. airlines have rejected mandatory COVID jabs for
passengers. That should tell you that the market has spoken. Congress, of course, doesn’t
listen to market forces, so they need to hear from you right away. While Joe Biden’s
White House got away with creating a “temporary” law for airports and forced masking, they won’t be so successful with their
Interstate travel ban proposal for the unvaccinated on the 46,876 miles of that system, if we push back.
I urge you to take action at once -- sign the petition.
For Liberty,  Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S.
Anthony Fauci, his legion of mini medical dictators, and Big Pharma lackeys in Congress will not stop trying to destroy our freedoms and our society
to push this experimental COVID jab. There is no limit to what freedoms they will restrict, and
the fact the White House is considering the idea of creating highway checkpoints for COVID jabs is enough evidence for me!
Sign the petition
at once to stop COVID jab requirements in order to travel by air or by Interstate!
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help to stop a repeat of 2020. Please consider a generous donation now.
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote
and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign
policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |