we won't stand for the anti-abortion extremist views of Lucy's big-name challenger

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We need to keep Lucy in Congress to protect a woman's right to choose, more on why this is important RIGHT NOW, below. Can you pitch in $10 to make sure Lucy can continue to stand up for us in Washington and remain as a strong pro-choice vote?

Hi John,

We’ve told you about our Newt Gingrich-endorsed, far-right Republican challenger Jake Evans a few times now.

When he announced his bid to challenge Lucy last month, he came out of the gate with a strong fundraising push, announcing he raised more than $100,000 for his campaign launch. Then, he started filling out questionaires to seek Republican endorsements...

As you can see, his fundraising isn’t the only reason that Jake Evans is such a dangerous Republican opponent for Georgians... We’re far more concerned about his extremely out-of-touch views which include opposing virtually any abortion, even in cases of rape or incest. 

Jake Evans is clearly far to the right of the voters that elected Lucy in Georgia’s 6th District – and the political mainstream – but that might not matter if Republicans attempt to unfairly gerrymander the district lines in their ongoing quest to defeat Lucy at all costs. That’s why we need your help right now, John, with the gerrymandering fight right around the corner.
Could you pitch in a donation of $10 to make sure Lucy can continue to stand up for us in Washington and remain as a strong pro-choice vote?


Lucy has consistently voted in support of reproductive rights in Congress, even as Republicans in Georgia have tried to practically ban abortion (with the 2019 Heartbeat Bill) at the state level, and tried to overturn Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court. 

And remember in 2018 and 2020, our opponent (former Rep.) Karen Handel, attacked Lucy time and again for her strong pro-choice stances. (That’s the same Karen Handel who took a vote in Congress in 2017 to jail doctors who perform abortions) 

Now, we’re worried Jake Evans and Lucy’s other Republican opponents may jump all over Lucy’s support for a woman’s right to choose, especially if Republicans attempt to gerrymander our district in the coming months. That’s why we need to build up our campaign resources right now to show Republicans that they’re in for a fight on reproductive rights, and Lucy isn’t backing down. 

Please pitch in whatever you can spare at this secure link: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/lkm-email-0821

Thanks as always for your support for Lucy and her strong pro-choice values,

-- Team Lucy





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Paid for by Friends of Lucy McBath

Friends of Lucy McBath
885 Woodstock Rd Suite 430-528
Roswell, GA 30075
United States